4.4 Copy File (Remote to Local)

The following example illustrates the sequence of operations during the copying of a file from a remote location to the local machine. The example assumes that the connection establishment and session management have already taken place.

Copy file (remote to local) sequence

Figure 6: Copy file (remote to local) sequence

In the preceding diagram, the first frame is to open the remote file for read access. The subsequent frames read the data from the file, and then close the file. In between the read and the close, the data is written to the local file.


 Client -> Server: SMB: C NT Create Andx, Dialect = NTLM 0.12
 SMB: Tree ID      (Tid) = 2049 (0x801)
 SMB: Process ID   (Pid) = 3592 (0xE08)
 SMB: User ID      (Uid) = 2048 (0x800)
 SMB: Multiplex ID (Mid) = 1712 (0x6B0)
 SMB: Command = C NT create & X
         SMB: Desired Access = 0x00000089
             SMB: ...............................1 = Read Data Allowed
             SMB: ..............................0. = Write Data Denied
             SMB: .............................0.. = Append Data Denied
             SMB: ............................1... = Read EA Allowed
             SMB: ...........................0.... = Write EA Denied
             SMB: ..........................0..... = File Execute Denied
             SMB: .........................0...... = File Delete Denied
             SMB: ........................1....... = File Read Attributes Allowed
             SMB: .......................0........ = File Write Attributes Denied
         SMB: NT File Attributes = 0x00000080
             SMB: ...............................0 = Not Read Only
             SMB: ..............................0. = Not Hidden
             SMB: .............................0.. = Not System
             SMB: ...........................0.... = Not Directory
             SMB: ..........................0..... = Not Archive
             SMB: .........................0...... = Not Device
             SMB: ........................1....... = Normal
             SMB: .......................0........ = Not Temporary
             SMB: ......................0......... = Not Sparse File
             SMB: .....................0.......... = Not Reparse Point
             SMB: ....................0........... = Not Compressed
             SMB: ...................0............ = Not Offline
             SMB: ..................0............. = 
             SMB: .................0.............. = Not Encrypted
         SMB: File Share Access = 0x00000003
             SMB: ...............................1 = Read allowed
             SMB: ..............................1. = Write allowed
             SMB: .............................0.. = Delete not 
         SMB: Create Disposition = Open:  If exist, Open, else fail
         SMB: Create Options = 68 (0x44)
             SMB: ...............................0 = non-directory
             SMB: ..............................0. = non-write through
             SMB: .............................1.. = Data is written to the file sequentially
             SMB: ............................0... = intermediate buffering allowed
             SMB: ...........................0.... = IO alerts bits not set
             SMB: ..........................0..... = IO non-alerts bit not set
             SMB: .........................1...... = Operation is on a non-directory file
             SMB: ........................0....... = tree connect bit not set
             SMB: .......................0........ = complete if oplocked bit is not set
             SMB: ......................0......... = no EA knowledge bit is not set
             SMB: .....................0.......... = 8.3 filenames bit is not set
             SMB: ....................0........... = random access bit is not set
             SMB: ...................0............ = delete on close bit is not set
             SMB: ..................0............. = open by filename
             SMB: .................0.............. = open for backup bit not set
         SMB: File name =\filename.txt


 Server -> Client: SMB: C NT Create Andx, Dialect = NTLM 0.12
 SMB: Tree ID      (Tid) = 2049 (0x801)
 SMB: Process ID   (Pid) = 3592 (0xE08)
 SMB: User ID      (Uid) = 2048 (0x800)
 SMB: Multiplex ID (Mid) = 1712 (0x6B0)
 SMB: Command = R NT create & X
         SMB: Oplock Level = Batch
         SMB: File ID (Fid) = 16389 (0x4005)
         SMB: NT File Attributes = 0x00000020
             SMB: ...............................0 = Not Read Only
             SMB: ..............................0. = Not Hidden
             SMB: .............................0.. = Not System
             SMB: ...........................0.... = Not Directory
             SMB: ..........................1..... = Archive
             SMB: .........................0...... = Not Device
             SMB: ........................0....... = Not Normal
             SMB: .......................0........ = Not Temporary
             SMB: ......................0......... = Not Sparse File
             SMB: .....................0.......... = Not Reparse Point
             SMB: ....................0........... = Not Compressed
             SMB: ...................0............ = Not Offline
             SMB: ..................0............. = CONTENT_INDEXED
             SMB: .................0.............. = Not Encrypted


 Client -> Server: SMB: C Read Andx, Dialect = NTLM 0.12
         SMB: Tree ID      (Tid) = 2049 (0x801)
         SMB: Process ID   (Pid) = 65279 (0xFEFF)
         SMB: User ID      (Uid) = 2048 (0x800)
         SMB: Multiplex ID (Mid) = 1744 (0x6D0)
 SMB: Command = C read & X
         SMB: File ID (Fid) = 16389 (0x4005)
         SMB: Max count = 1596 (0x63C)
         SMB: Min count = 1596 (0x63C)
         SMB: Bytes left = 1596


 Server -> Client: SMB: R Read Andx, Dialect = NTLM 0.12
         SMB: Tree ID      (Tid) = 2049 (0x801)
         SMB: Process ID   (Pid) = 65279 (0xFEFF)
         SMB: User ID      (Uid) = 2048 (0x800)
         SMB: Multiplex ID (Mid) = 1744 (0x6D0)
 SMB: Command = C read & X
         SMB: Data length = 1596 (0x63C)
         SMB: Data offset = 60 (0x3C)
         SMB: Byte count = 1597
 Data = 00 90 27 D0 C4 6F 00 90 27 66 6D BE 08 00 45 00 …… 


 Client -> Server: SMB: C Close, Dialect = NTLM 0.12
         SMB: Tree ID      (Tid) = 2049 (0x801)
         SMB: Process ID   (Pid) = 65279 (0xFEFF)
         SMB: User ID      (Uid) = 2048 (0x800)
         SMB: Multiplex ID (Mid) = 1984 (0x7C0)
 SMB: Command = C Close
         SMB: File ID (Fid) = 16389 (0x4005)


 Server -> Client: SMB: R Close, Dialect = NTLM 0.12
         SMB: Tree ID      (Tid) = 2049 (0x801)
         SMB: Process ID   (Pid) = 65279 (0xFEFF)
         SMB: User ID      (Uid) = 2048 (0x800)
         SMB: Multiplex ID (Mid) = 1984 (0x7C0)