The following example refers to the sequence of operations for a file copy in which the source and the destination are on the same server. The FSCTL_SRV_COPYCHUNK (section is used. The following sequence assumes that the SMB connection to the server, SMB session establishment, and other operations have been completed.

Copy file (from/to same remote server) sequence

Figure 8: Copy file (from/to same remote server) sequence

The initial step in the preceding sequence is to open the source and the destination file using NT_CREATE_ANDX command. This step is followed by the FSCTL_SRV_REQUEST_RESUME_KEY request. This is sent as an NT_TRANSACT_IOCTL with the file ID of the source file. The server responds with the FSCTL_SRV_REQUEST_RESUME_KEY response (section A 24-byte server copychunk resume key is returned.

NT_CREATE_ANDX Request (Source)

 Client -> Server: SMB: C NT Create Andx, Dialect = NTLM 0.12
         SMB: Tree ID      (Tid) = 2049 (0x801)
         SMB: Process ID   (Pid) = 3592 (0xE08)
         SMB: User ID      (Uid) = 2048 (0x800)
         SMB: Multiplex ID (Mid) = 384 (0x180)
 SMB: Command = C NT create & X
         SMB: Desired Access = 0x00020089
             SMB: ...............................1 = Read Data Allowed
             SMB: ..............................0. = Write Data Denied
             SMB: .............................0.. = Append Data Denied
             SMB: ............................1... = Read EA Allowed
             SMB: ...........................0.... = Write EA Denied
             SMB: ..........................0..... = File Execute Denied
             SMB: .........................0...... = File Delete Denied
             SMB: ........................1....... = File Read Attributes Allowed
             SMB: .......................0........ = File Write Attributes Denied
         SMB: NT File Attributes = 0x00000000
             SMB: ...............................0 = Not Read Only
             SMB: ..............................0. = Not Hidden
             SMB: .............................0.. = Not System
             SMB: ...........................0.... = Not Directory
             SMB: ..........................0..... = Not Archive
             SMB: .........................0...... = Not Device
             SMB: ........................0....... = Not Normal
             SMB: .......................0........ = Not Temporary
             SMB: ......................0......... = Not Sparse File
             SMB: .....................0.......... = Not Reparse Point
             SMB: ....................0........... = Not Compressed
             SMB: ...................0............ = Not Offline
             SMB: ..................0............. = 
             SMB: .................0.............. = Not Encrypted
         SMB: File Share Access = 0x00000005
             SMB: ...............................1 = Read allowed
             SMB: ..............................0. = Write not allowed
             SMB: .............................1.. = Delete allowed
         SMB: Create Disposition = Open:  If exist, Open, else fail
         SMB: Create Options = 2097220 (0x200044)
             SMB: ...............................0 = non-directory
             SMB: ..............................0. = non-write through
             SMB: .............................1.. = Data is written to the
                                                     file sequentially
             SMB: ............................0... = intermediate buffering allowed
             SMB: ...........................0.... = IO alerts bits not set
             SMB: ..........................0..... = IO non-alerts bit not set
             SMB: .........................1...... = Operation is on a non-directory file
             SMB: ........................0....... = tree connect bit not set
             SMB: .......................0........ = complete if oplocked bit is not set
             SMB: ......................0......... = no EA knowledge bit is not set
             SMB: .....................0.......... = 8.3 filenames bit is not set
             SMB: ....................0........... = random access bit is not set
             SMB: ...................0............ = delete on close bit is not set
             SMB: ..................0............. = open by filename
             SMB: .................0.............. = open for backup bit not set
         SMB: File name = sourcefile.txt


 Server -> Client: SMB: R NT Create Andx, Dialect = NTLM 0.12
         SMB: Tree ID      (Tid) = 2049 (0x801)
         SMB: Process ID   (Pid) = 3592 (0xE08)
         SMB: User ID      (Uid) = 2048 (0x800)
         SMB: Multiplex ID (Mid) = 384 (0x180)
 SMB: Command = R NT create & X
         SMB: Oplock Level = II
         SMB: File ID (Fid) = 16386 (0x4002)
         SMB: NT File Attributes = 0x00000020
             SMB: ...............................0 = Not Read Only
             SMB: ..............................0. = Not Hidden
             SMB: .............................0.. = Not System
             SMB: ...........................0.... = Not Directory
             SMB: ..........................1..... = Archive
             SMB: .........................0...... = Not Device
             SMB: ........................0....... = Not Normal
             SMB: .......................0........ = Not Temporary
             SMB: ......................0......... = Not Sparse File
             SMB: .....................0.......... = Not Reparse Point
             SMB: ....................0........... = Not Compressed
             SMB: ...................0............ = Not Offline
             SMB: ..................0............. = 
             SMB: .................0.............. = Not Encrypted
         SMB: File type = Disk file or directory

NT_CREATE_ANDX Request (Destination)

 Client -> Server: SMB: C NT Create Andx, Dialect = NTLM 0.12
         SMB: Tree ID      (Tid) = 2049 (0x801)
         SMB: Process ID   (Pid) = 3592 (0xE08)
         SMB: User ID      (Uid) = 2048 (0x800)
         SMB: Multiplex ID (Mid) = 480 (0x1E0)
 SMB: Command = C NT create & X
         SMB: Desired Access = 0x00030197
             SMB: ...............................1 = Read Data Allowed
             SMB: ..............................1. = Write Data Allowed
             SMB: .............................1.. = Append Data Allowed
             SMB: ............................0... = Read EA Denied
             SMB: ...........................1.... = Write EA Allowed
             SMB: ..........................0..... = File Execute Denied
             SMB: .........................0...... = File Delete Denied
             SMB: ........................1....... = File Read Attributes Allowed
             SMB: .......................1........ = File Write Attributes Allowed
         SMB: NT File Attributes = 0x00000020
             SMB: ...............................0 = Not Read Only
             SMB: ..............................0. = Not Hidden
             SMB: .............................0.. = Not System
             SMB: ...........................0.... = Not Directory
             SMB: ..........................1..... = Archive
             SMB: .........................0...... = Not Device
             SMB: ........................0....... = Not Normal
             SMB: .......................0........ = Not Temporary
             SMB: ......................0......... = Not Sparse File
             SMB: .....................0.......... = Not Reparse Point
             SMB: ....................0........... = Not Compressed
             SMB: ...................0............ = Not Offline
             SMB: ..................0............. = CONTENT_INDEXED
             SMB: .................0.............. = Not Encrypted
         SMB: File Share Access = 0x00000000
             SMB: ...............................0 = Read not allowed
             SMB: ..............................0. = Write not allowed
             SMB: .............................0.. = Delete not allowed
         SMB: Create Disposition = Overwrite_If:  If exist, open and overwrite,
              else create it
         SMB: Create Options = 68 (0x44)
             SMB: ...............................0 = non-directory
             SMB: ..............................0. = non-write through
             SMB: .............................1.. = Data is written to the file sequentially
             SMB: ............................0... = intermediate buffering allowed
             SMB: ...........................0.... = IO alerts bits not set
             SMB: ..........................0..... = IO non-alerts bit not set
             SMB: .........................1...... = Operation is on a non-directory file
             SMB: ........................0....... = tree connect bit not set
             SMB: .......................0........ = complete if oplocked bit is not set
             SMB: ......................0......... = no EA knowledge bit is not set
             SMB: .....................0.......... = 8.3 filenames bit is not set
             SMB: ....................0........... = random access bit is not set
             SMB: ...................0............ = delete on close bit is not set
             SMB: ..................0............. = open by filename
             SMB: .................0.............. = open for backup bit not set
         SMB: File name = destinationfile.txt


 Server -> Client: SMB: R NT Create Andx, Dialect = NTLM 0.12
         SMB: Tree ID      (Tid) = 2049 (0x801)
         SMB: Process ID   (Pid) = 3592 (0xE08)
         SMB: User ID      (Uid) = 2048 (0x800)
         SMB: Multiplex ID (Mid) = 480 (0x1E0)
 SMB: Command = R NT create & X
         SMB: Oplock Level = Batch
         SMB: File ID (Fid) = 16387 (0x4003)
         SMB: NT File Attributes = 0x00000020
         SMB: ...............................0 = Not Read Only
         SMB: ..............................0. = Not Hidden
         SMB: .............................0.. = Not System
         SMB: ...........................0.... = Not Directory
         SMB: ..........................1..... = Archive
         SMB: .........................0...... = Not Device
         SMB: ........................0....... = Not Normal
         SMB: .......................0........ = Not Temporary
         SMB: ......................0......... = Not Sparse File
         SMB: .....................0.......... = Not Reparse Point
         SMB: ....................0........... = Not Compressed
         SMB: ...................0............ = Not Offline
         SMB: ..................0............. = CONTENT_INDEXED
         SMB: .................0.............. = Not Encrypted
     SMB: File type = Disk file or directory


 Client -> Server: SMB: C NT Transact, Dialect = NTLM 0.12
 File ID (Fid) = 16386 (0x4002)


 Server -> Client: SMB: R NT Transact, Dialect = NTLM 0.12
 File ID (Fid) = 16386 (0x4002)
 Key = 2D 0B 00 00 01 00 00 00 59 84 0C 62 1B 84 C6 01 08 0E 00 00 00 00 00 00
 ContextLength = 0

This is followed by an FSCTL_SRV_COPYCHUNK request. The request uses the resume key generated earlier.


 Client -> Server: SMB: C NT Transact, Dialect = NTLM 0.12
 NT IOCTL Function Code 0x001440F2 FSCTL_SRV_COPYCHUNK
 File ID (Fid) = 16387 (0x4003)
 Key = 2D 0B 00 00 01 00 00 00 59 84 0C 62 1B 84 C6 01 08 0E 00 00 00 00 00 00
 ChunkCount = 1 (01 00 00 00)
 Reserved = 0 (00 00 00 00)
     SourceOffset = 0 _(00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00)
     DestinationOffset = 0 (00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00)
     Length = 1731 (3C 06 00 00)


 Server -> Client: SMB: R NT Transact, Dialect = NTLM 0.12
 NT IOCTL Function Code 0x001440F2 FSCTL_SRV_COPYCHUNK
 File ID (Fid) = 16387 (0x4003)
 ChunksWritten = 1 (01 00 00 00)
 ChunkBytesWritten = 0 (00 00 00 00)
 TotalBytesWritten = 1731 (3C 06 00 00)

The final step is to close the source and the destination file with SMB_COM_CLOSE commands.

SMB_COM_CLOSE Request (Source)

 Client -> Server: SMB: C Close, Dialect = NTLM 0.12
         SMB: Tree ID      (Tid) = 2049 (0x801)
         SMB: Process ID   (Pid) = 65279 (0xFEFF)
         SMB: User ID      (Uid) = 2048 (0x800)
         SMB: Multiplex ID (Mid) = 640 (0x280)
 SMB: Command = C Close
         SMB: File ID (Fid) = 16386 (0x4002)


 Server -> Client: SMB: R Close, Dialect = NTLM 0.12
         SMB: Tree ID      (Tid) = 2049 (0x801)
         SMB: Process ID   (Pid) = 65279 (0xFEFF)
         SMB: User ID      (Uid) = 2048 (0x800)
         SMB: Multiplex ID (Mid) = 640 (0x280)

SMB_COM_CLOSE Request (Destination)

 Client -> Server: SMB: C Close, Dialect = NTLM 0.12
         SMB: Tree ID      (Tid) = 2049 (0x801)
         SMB: Process ID   (Pid) = 65279 (0xFEFF)
         SMB: User ID      (Uid) = 2048 (0x800)
         SMB: Multiplex ID (Mid) = 656 (0x290)
 SMB: Command = C Close
         SMB: File ID (Fid) = 16387 (0x4003)


 Server -> Client: SMB: R Close, Dialect = NTLM 0.12
         SMB: Tree ID      (Tid) = 2049 (0x801)
         SMB: Process ID   (Pid) = 65279 (0xFEFF)
         SMB: User ID      (Uid) = 2048 (0x800)
         SMB: Multiplex ID (Mid) = 656 (0x290)