3.3.3 Initialization

The proxy can be enabled by installing the Windows Feedback Forwarder<39>. The installer for Windows Feedback Forwarder installs the SQM service binaries and configures the settings on the SQM service. Windows Feedback Forwarder contains two settings. The first setting configures the port number on which to receive SQM messages and the second setting configures proxy information so that the Windows Feedback Forwarder service can connect to the SQM service through a firewall. For more information about Windows Feedback Forwarder, see [MSFT-DWFF].

The Windows Feedback Forwarder service will not relay any messages unless a client is configured to send SQM data to the relay. To enable a client to send data to the relay, the client MUST be SQM- enabled and have the Corporate URL registry keys configured. These registry keys are as follows:

  • The client is SQM-enabled by setting the following values:

    • Registry Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows\CEIPEnable

    • Data type = RED_DWORD

    • Value = 1 (enable)

  • The client is configured to send SQM data to Microsoft by setting the following values:

    • Registry Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\SQMClient\CorporateSQMURL

    • Data type = REG_SZ

    • Value: http://<WindowsFeedbackForwarderServer_FQDN>:<WindowsFeedbackForwarderPortNumber>

    • Example: http://MyServer.MyDomain.com:53533