2.2.5 Sparse Stream Pointer

The SparseStreamPointer field and related fields contain data that is required to locate the latest fragment of a sparse stream. This message is used in conjunction with a Fragment Response message.

SparseStreamPointer (variable): A set of data that indicates the latest fragment for all related sparse streams.

SparseStreamSet (variable): The set of latest fragment pointers for all sparse streams that are related to a single requested fragment.

SparseStreamFragment (variable): The latest fragment pointer for a single related sparse stream.

SparseStreamName (variable): The stream name of the related sparse name. The value of this field MUST match the Name field of the StreamElement field that describes the stream, specified in section, in the Manifest Response.

SparseStreamTimeStamp (variable): The timestamp of the latest timestamp for a fragment for the sparse stream that occurs at the same time or earlier than the presentation than the requested fragment.

The syntax of the fields that are defined in this section, specified in ABNF [RFC5234], is as follows.

 SparseStreamPointer = *1(HeaderData DELIMETER) "ChildTrack" "=" 
                        DQ SparseStreamSet *( DELIMETER  SparseStreamSet ) DQ 
 HeaderData = 1*CHAR
 SparseStreamSet = SparseStreamFragment *( "," SparseStreamFragment )
 SparseStreamFragment = SparseStreamName "=" SparseStreamTimeStamp
 SparseStreamTimeStamp = STRING-UINT64