Share via Trace Activity Header

This packet data stream contains a client trace activity ID intended to be used by the server for debugging purposes, to allow correlating the server's processing of the request with the client request.

A client MUST NOT send a Trace Activity header when the negotiated TDS major version is less than 7.4. If the negotiated TDS major version is less than TDS 7.4 and the server receives a Trace Activity header token, the server MUST reject the request with a TDS protocol error.

Stream-Specific Rules:

 GUID_ActivityID   =   16BYTE            ; client application activity id
                                         ; used for debugging purposes
 ActivitySequence  =   ULONG             ; client application activity sequence
                                         ; used for debugging purposes
 ActivityId        =   GUID_ActivityID

Stream Definition:

 HeaderData        =   ActivityId