1.4 Relationship to Other Protocols

IPv4 Over IEEE 1394 (IPo1394) Protocol relates to other protocols only insofar as those protocols run over IPv4, which in turn can run over IPo1394. The extensions specified in this document do not affect other protocols.

The following figure depicts IPo1394 and its relationship to the other higher and lower-layer protocols mentioned in this document. Sending and receiving 1394 Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) and IPv4 datagrams request and response packets over IPo1394 is specified in [RFC2734].

Sending and receiving Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol (STP) packets over IPo1394 is specified in this document. The IPo1394 extension supports the transmitting and receiving of STP packets and is used by the STP protocol, as specified in [IEEE802.1D] sections 8 and 9. STP is implemented in the bridge component and is used to detect and prevent network loops.<1>

Protocol stack showing IPo1394 and its relationship to other protocols

Figure 2: Protocol stack showing IPo1394 and its relationship to other protocols

Sending and receiving Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) packets, as specified in [RFC2131], over IPo1394 is specified in [RFC2855]. IPo1394 uses a different link-layer addressing method than conventional 802.3/Ethernet. For more information, see [IEEE802.3]. This implies that the use of some fields in DHCP packets has to be clarified to achieve interoperability between implementations of IPo1394 and DHCP. DHCP for IEEE 1394, as specified in [RFC2855], specifies the IPo1394 use of these fields in DHCP packets.<2>