The VDS_INPUT_DISK structure provides information about a disk for volume creation and modification.

 typedef struct _VDS_INPUT_DISK {
   VDS_OBJECT_ID diskId;
   ULONGLONG ullSize;
   VDS_OBJECT_ID plexId;
   unsigned long memberIdx;

diskId: The VDS object ID of the disk object.

ullSize: The size of the disk to use, in bytes.

plexId: When extending a volume, the VDS object ID of the plex object to which the disk will be added. A volume can only be extended by extending all members of all plexes in the same operation. This member is used when extending any volume and ignored when creating a volume or repairing a RAID-5 volume.

memberIdx: The zero-based member index of the disk to which the extent belongs. Either specify a memberIdx for all disks or specify it for none. VDS uses disks with the same memberIdx in the order they appear in the array. For example, the first disk in the array is always used first, even if it does not have the lowest index. This member is ignored when repairing a RAID-5 volume.