The VDS_IPADDRESS_TYPE enumeration defines the set of valid types for an IP address. These type values are used in the type member of the VDS_IPADDRESS structure.<40>

 typedef enum _VDS_IPADDRESS_TYPE
   VDS_IPT_TEXT = 0x00000000,
   VDS_IPT_IPV4 = 0x00000001,
   VDS_IPT_IPV6 = 0x00000002,
   VDS_IPT_EMPTY = 0x00000003

VDS_IPT_TEXT:  The IP address is a text string.

VDS_IPT_IPV4:  The IP address is an IPv4 address.

VDS_IPT_IPV6:  The IP address is an IPv6 address.

VDS_IPT_EMPTY:  An IP address is not specified.