The JOINPR_USER_PASSWORD structure represents a decrypted password in the Buffer member of a JOINPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD structure (section
typedef struct _JOINPR_USER_PASSWORD { unsigned char Obfuscator[JOIN_OBFUSCATOR_LENGTH]; wchar_t Buffer[JOIN_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH]; unsigned long Length; } JOINPR_USER_PASSWORD, *PJOINPR_USER_PASSWORD;
Obfuscator: An array of unsigned characters that contains a salt, which is filled with random bytes by the caller.
Buffer: A cleartext string of no more than JOIN_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH (section UTF-16 characters in little-endian order. The start of the string MUST be Length number of bytes from the end of the buffer. The unused portion of the buffer contains indeterminate values.
Length: An unsigned integer, in little-endian order, that specifies the length in bytes of the cleartext string in the Buffer member.