Font Object
The Font object specifies the attributes of a logical font.
1 |
2 |
3 |
Height |
Width |
Escapement |
Orientation |
Weight |
Italic |
Underline |
StrikeOut |
CharSet |
OutPrecision |
ClipPrecision |
Quality |
PitchAndFamily |
Facename (32 bytes) |
... |
Height (2 bytes): A 16-bit signed integer that specifies the height, in logical units, of the font's character cell. The character height is computed as the character cell height minus the internal leading. The font mapper SHOULD interpret the height as follows.
value < 0x0000
The font mapper SHOULD transform this value into device units and match its absolute value against the character height of available fonts.
A default height value MUST be used when creating a physical font.
0x0000 < value
The font mapper SHOULD transform this value into device units and match it against the cell height of available fonts.
For all height comparisons, the font mapper SHOULD find the largest physical font that does not exceed the requested size.<40>
Width (2 bytes): A 16-bit signed integer that defines the average width, in logical units, of characters in the font. If Width is 0x0000, the aspect ratio of the device SHOULD be matched against the digitization aspect ratio of the available fonts to find the closest match, determined by the absolute value of the difference.
Escapement (2 bytes): A 16-bit signed integer that defines the angle, in tenths of degrees, between the escapement vector and the x-axis of the device. The escapement vector is parallel to the base line of a row of text.
Orientation (2 bytes): A 16-bit signed integer that defines the angle, in tenths of degrees, between each character's base line and the x-axis of the device.
Weight (2 bytes): A 16-bit signed integer that defines the weight of the font in the range 0 through 1000. For example, 400 is normal and 700 is bold. If this value is 0x0000, a default weight SHOULD be used.
Italic (1 byte): A 8-bit Boolean value that specifies the italic attribute of the font.
This is not an italic font.
This is an italic font.
Underline (1 byte): An 8-bit Boolean value that specifies the underline attribute of the font.
This is not an underline font.
This is an underline font.
StrikeOut (1 byte): An 8-bit Boolean value that specifies the strikeout attribute of the font.
This is not a strikeout font.
This is a strikeout font.
CharSet (1 byte): An 8-bit unsigned integer that defines the character set. It SHOULD be set to a value in the CharacterSet Enumeration (section
The DEFAULT_CHARSET value MAY be used to allow the name and size of a font to fully describe the logical font. If the specified font name does not exist, a font in another character set MAY be substituted. The DEFAULT_CHARSET value is set to a value based on the current system locale. For example, when the system locale is United States, it is set to ANSI_CHARSET.
If a typeface name in the FaceName field is specified, the CharSet value MUST match the character set of that typeface.
OutPrecision (1 byte): An 8-bit unsigned integer that defines the output precision. The output precision defines how closely the output matches the requested font height, width, character orientation, escapement, pitch, and font type. It MUST be one of the values from the OutPrecision Enumeration (section
Applications can use the OUT_DEVICE_PRECIS, OUT_RASTER_PRECIS, OUT_TT_PRECIS, and OUT_PS_ONLY_PRECIS values to control how the font mapper selects a font when the operating system contains more than one font with a specified name. For example, if an operating system contains a font named "Symbol" in raster and TrueType forms, specifying OUT_TT_PRECIS forces the font mapper to select the TrueType version. Specifying OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS forces the font mapper to select a TrueType font, even if it substitutes a TrueType font of another name.
ClipPrecision (1 byte): An 8-bit unsigned integer that defines the clipping precision. The clipping precision defines how to clip characters that are partially outside the clipping region. It MUST be a combination of one or more of the bit settings in the ClipPrecision Flags (section
Quality (1 byte): An 8-bit unsigned integer that defines the output quality. The output quality defines how carefully to attempt to match the logical font attributes to those of an actual physical font. It MUST be one of the values in the FontQuality Enumeration (section
PitchAndFamily (1 byte): A PitchAndFamily Object (section that defines the pitch and the family of the font. Font families specify the look of fonts in a general way and are intended for specifying fonts when the exact typeface wanted is not available.
Facename (32 bytes): A null-terminated string of up to 32 8-bit Latin-1 [ISO/IEC-8859-1] ANSI characters that specifies the typeface name of the font. Any characters following the terminating null are ignored.