2.2.1 HTTP Header Fields

The Windows Media HTTP Push Distribution Protocol uses existing headers as specified in [RFC2616] and [MS-WMSP]. Some headers defined by these specifications are further restrained by the Windows Media HTTP Push Distribution Protocol in how they can be used. These additionally restrained headers are defined in this section.

Unless specified otherwise, the headers defined in this specification and any tokens (also called tags or directives) used on those headers are defined for use in both requests and responses.

If a client or server receives an HTTP header that is not defined in this section, or if the header is not defined in the current context (for example, receiving a request-only header in a response), the header MUST be interpreted as specified in [RFC2616].

If a client or server receives an HTTP header defined in this section, and the header contains an unknown token or the token is not defined in the current context (for example, receiving a request-only token in a response), the token MUST be ignored.

This section defines the syntax of the HTTP headers that use the Augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF) syntax, as specified in [RFC4234]. Any ABNF syntax rules that are not specified in [RFC4234] use the ABNF extensions that are as specified in [RFC2616] or [MS-WMSP].