
This token indicates to the server whether to move forward or backward to an entry in a playlist relative to the entry ID specified in the playlist-seek-id (section token. If the value of the pl-offset token is 1, it specifies that the server is requested to move forward to the next entry. A value of -1 specifies that the server is requested to move backward to the previous entry. A value of 0 specifies that the server is requested to stay at the playlist entry identified by the playlist-seek-id token.

This token is defined for use only in requests sent to a server with a version greater than or equal to 5.0 (as specified by the server in the Server header).<34>

The syntax of the pl-offset token is defined as follows:

 pl-offset = "pl-offset=" ("0" / "1" / "-1")


 Pragma: pl-offset=1