
 The identifier MUST be identical for all requests belonging to the same streaming session. The identifier MUST be a GUID (see [MS-DTYP] section 2.3.4). The GUID is expressed in registry format and is not enclosed in quotation marks, as shown by the ABNF syntax below.

This token is defined for use only in requests sent to a server.

The syntax of the xClientGUID token is defined as follows.

 guid-value  = "{" 8HEXDIG "-" 4HEXDIG "-" 4HEXDIG "-" 
               4HEXDIG "-" 12HEXDIG "}"
 xClientGUID = "xClientGUID=" guid-value

The following is an example.

 Pragma: xClientGUID={11223344-1122-1122-1122-AABBCCDDEEFF}