
This header is sent by intermediate devices (such as proxy servers) and specifies the name of the HTTP or RTSP request method used by the client that triggered the HTTP request sent by the intermediate device.

The header is useful when Digest authentication as specified in [RFC2617] is used and one or more of the intermediate devices is performing a protocol translation between HTTP and RTSP, or vice versa. When Digest authentication is used, the name of the HTTP or RTSP request method might be a part of the authentication challenge. Intermediate devices MAY change the request method. In particular, this is true if the intermediate device translates requests between different streaming protocols. The X-Proxy-Client-Verb header enables the name of the request method to be preserved and be forwarded across possibly multiple intermediate devices to the server.

This header is only defined for requests sent to a server by an intermediate device, such as a proxy server, which is acting as a client.

The syntax of the X-Proxy-Client-Verb header is defined as follows.

 X-Proxy-Client-Verb = "X-Proxy-Client-Verb: " ( rtsp-method | http-method )

The definition of rtsp-method is identical to the definition of the method token in [RFC2326] section 6.1. The definition of http-method is identical to the definition of the method token in [RFC2616] section 5.1.1.