4.2.15 MachineGroup Example

The following is an example of the MachineGroup (section XML element.

 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <?WSRM version="3.0"?>
 <MachineGroup Name="Machine Groups">
     <MachineGroup Name="Default" 
           Description="Default Machine Group"/>
     <MachineGroup Name="Company Servers" 
           Description="All Servers in my company">
         <MachineGroup Name="File Server Group" 
               Description="These are the File Servers ">
             <Machine Name="FS1" Description="" />
             <Machine Name="FS2" Description="" />
         <MachineGroup Name="Communication Servers" 
               Description="These are the Communication Servers">
             <Machine Name="CS1" Description="" />
             <Machine Name="CS2" Description="" />
         <MachineGroup Name="Backup Servers" 
               Description="These are the backup servers">
             <Machine Name="BS1" Description="" />

Additional XML data examples are specified in section 4.2.