
The <Client> complex type contains information about the client's current state and preferences.

 <xs:complexType name="Client">
     <xs:element name="lastUpdate" type="xs:dateTime"
       nillable="true" />
     <xs:element name="preferredLanguage" type="xs:language"
       nillable="true" />
     <xs:any namespace="##any" processContents="lax"
       minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

lastUpdate: The <lastUpdate> element is an xs:dateTime value that represents the last time that the client retrieved policies from a policy server with this Response object's <policyServerID>, as defined in section The <lastUpdate> element is provided as GMT. If the client does not include the <lastUpdate> element or the element is nil, the server MUST consider the value to be older than the initialized value of the LastUpdateTime data element. The server SHOULD provide a full GetPoliciesResponse message if the client's <lastUpdate> time is older than the time of the server's last update to the policy. If the <lastUpdate> time provided by the client is equal to or newer than the <lastUpdate> time of the server, the server SHOULD respond with a GetPoliciesResponse message in which the <oIDs> and <cAs> elements are set to nil, as defined in, and the <policiesNotChanged> element in the Response object is set to true.

preferredLanguage: The <preferredLanguage> element is an xs:language value that indicates the preferred caller language. The GetPoliciesResponse message SHOULD be returned in the preferred client language. If the <preferredLanguage> is not present in the SupportedLanguages data element, the GetPoliciesResponse message MUST return using the language specified by the DefaultLanguage data element.

##any: This element provides a vendor-extensible point. Additional elements MAY be included as part of a Client object instance. Additional elements MAY be ignored by a server.