Universal Actions Model code sample - Project Management

This sample illustrates the Universal Action Model implementation available for adaptive cards version 1.4 or higher.


  • Outlook/OWA client is available and you have an account.
  • A valid Azure subsciption.
  • Understanding of Azure Bot Framework.

Setup for bot

Step 1: Ensure your adaptive card payloads are ready

For the Project management scenario, you can find the JSON payload here. Below, You can see the payload rendering in mobile and desktop screens.

For Universal Actions, you need to use Action.Execute which gathers input fields and send an Invoke activity of type adaptiveCard/action to the target bot. Target bot can identify the the Action done using the verb field. Any additional input can be sent using the data field.

JSON payload

Here is a snippet of Actions for Project management scenario.

  "type": "ActionSet",
  "actions": [
      "type": "Action.Execute",
      "title": "Mark complete",
      "verb": "markComplete",
      "data": {},
      "isPrimary": true,
      "style": "positive"
      "type": "Action.ShowCard",
      "title": "Add a comment",
      "card": {
        "type": "AdaptiveCard",
        "body": [
            "type": "Input.Text",
            "id": "AddComment",
            "placeholder": "Add a comment",
            "isMultiline": true
            "type": "ActionSet",
            "actions": [
                "type": "Action.Execute",
                "title": "Submit",
                "verb": "projectSubmitComment",
                "data": "{Reason: {{AddComment.value}}}"
        "$schema": "http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json",
        "padding": "None"
  "spacing": "None"

For more information, see Action.Execute schema and properties

Step 2: Write custom business logic in the bot for Project management

In the Azure bot, you can use OnAdaptiveCardInvokeAsync method to capture the action using the verb field, add your business logic and send the refresh card back to Outlook.

protected override async Task<AdaptiveCardInvokeResponse> OnAdaptiveCardInvokeAsync(
    ITurnContext<IInvokeActivity> turnContext,
    AdaptiveCardInvokeValue invokeValue,
    CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        if (invokeValue.Action.Verb == "markComplete")
            // This function can contain your business logic
            // to capture the complete action and show the refresh card
            return await ProcessProjectMarkComplete();
        else if (invokeValue.Action.Verb == "projectSubmitComment")
            // This function can contain your business logic
            // to submit the comment and show the refresh car
            return await ProcessProjectSubmitComment();
            throw new InvokeResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented);
    catch (AdaptiveCardActionException e)
        throw new InvokeResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented, e.Response);

You can test your bot locally or deploy your bot to Azure.

Step 3: Sending the Actionable Message

You can send the Actionable Message backed by Universal Actions similar to any other Actionable Message. For more information, please see Send an actionable message via email.