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How to use the Cdosys.dll library to send an e-mail message with attachments

Original KB number:   310212


This article describes how to use the Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) for Windows 2000 library (Cdosys.dll) to send an e-mail message with attachments. You can send text or HTML or a Web page in the body of the e-mail message by using the local SMTP server or by using a smart host server in Microsoft Visual C#.


The Cdosys.dll library is also known as CDOSYS.

More information

To use CDOSYS as described in the Summary section, follow these steps:

  1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio.

  2. On the File menu, select New, and then select Project.

  3. Under Project Types, select Visual C#, and then select Console Application under Templates. By default, Program.cs is created.


    In Microsoft Visual C# .NET 2003, Visual C# is changed to Visual C# Projects. By default, Class1.cs is created.

  4. Add a reference to the Microsoft CDO For Windows 2000 Library. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. On the Project menu, select Add Reference.

    2. On the COM tab, locate Microsoft CDO For Windows 2000 Library.


      In Visual C# .NET 2003, select Select.

    3. To accept your selections, select OK in the Add References dialog box.

      If you receive a dialog box to generate wrappers for the libraries that you selected, select Yes.

  5. In the code window, replace all the code with the following code:

    namespace CdoSys {
        using System;
        class Class1 {
            static void Main (string[] args) {
                try {
                    CDO.Message oMsg = new CDO.Message ();
                    CDO.IConfiguration iConfg;
                    iConfg = oMsg.Configuration;
                    ADODB.Fields oFields;
                    oFields = iConfg.Fields;
                    // Set configuration.
                    ADODB.Field oField = oFields[""];
                    //TODO: To send by using the smart host, uncomment the following lines:
                    //oField.Value = CDO.CdoSendUsing.cdoSendUsingPort;
                    //oField = oFields[""];
                    //oField.Value = "smarthost";
                    // TODO: To send by using local SMTP service.
                    //oField = oFields[""];
                    //oField.Value = 1;
                    oFields.Update ();
                    // Set common properties from message.
                    //TODO: To send text body, uncomment the following line:
                    //oMsg.TextBody = "Hello, how are you doing?";
                    //TODO: To send HTML body, uncomment the following lines:
                    //String sHtml;
                    //sHtml = "<HTML>\n" +
                    //"<HEAD>\n" +
                    //"<TITLE>Sample GIF</TITLE>\n" +
                    //"</HEAD>\n" +
                    //"<BODY><P>\n" +
                    //"<h1><Font Color=Green>Inline graphics</Font></h1>\n" +
                    //"</BODY>\n" +
                    //oMsg.HTMLBody = sHtml;
                    //TOTO: To send WEb page in an e-mail, uncomment the following lines and make changes in TODO section.
                    //TODO: Replace with your preferred Web page
                    //"", "");
                    oMsg.Subject = "Test SMTP";
                    //TODO: Change the To and From address to reflect your information.
                    oMsg.From = "";
                    oMsg.To = "";
                    //ADD attachment.
                    //TODO: Change the path to the file that you want to attach.
                    oMsg.AddAttachment ("C:\\Hello.txt", "", "");
                    oMsg.AddAttachment ("C:\\Test.doc", "", "");
                    oMsg.Send ();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Console.WriteLine ("{0} Exception caught.", e);
  6. Where TODO appears in the code, modify the code as indicated.

  7. To build and run the program, press F5.

  8. Verify that the e-mail message has been both sent and received.


For more information about Microsoft Office development with Visual Studio, see Microsoft Office Development with Visual Studio.