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"Click here to view more on Microsoft Exchange" hyperlink is missing

Original KB number:   2898376


When you use Microsoft Outlook to connect to a mailbox in Microsoft Exchange Server, one or more email folders display only newer items.

Also, the message and hyperlink that are shown in the following screenshot don't appear at the bottom of the item list.

Screenshot of the missing message and hyperlink.


The cause of the issue depends on the mailbox or folder that you connect to.

Cause 1: Your mailbox

The issue occurs if both the following conditions are true:

  • In the Send/Receive tab, the value of the Download Preferences setting isn't Download Full Items. For example, in the following screenshot, the value is Download Headers and Then Full Items.

    Screenshot of the Download Preferences setting.

  • In the Exchange Account Settings window, the value of the Download email for the past setting isn't All. For example, in the following screenshot, the value is 3 months.

    Screenshot of the Exchange Account Settings window.

    Note: In some versions of Outlook, the Download email for the past setting is named Mail to keep offline. For more information about the setting, see Only a subset of your Exchange mailbox items is synchronized in Outlook.

Cause 2: Shared or delegate folder

If you view a shared or delegate folder in another mailbox, Outlook doesn't show any server-side items if Outlook uses Cached Exchange Mode.

Note: In this context, a delegate folder is a folder that you access as a delegate.


Select one of the following workarounds, depending on the cause.

Workaround for Cause 1

On the Send/Receive tab in Outlook, select Download Preferences, and then select Download Full Items.


The Click here to view more on Microsoft Exchange hyperlink appears only if both the following conditions are true:

  • The Download Preferences value is Download Full Items.
  • The Download email for the past (or Mail to keep offline) setting causes Outlook not to download all folder items from the server.

Workaround for Cause 2

In an Outlook search, use the Current Folder scope to find server-side items.