Margin resources

Resources that represent available margins. Includes resources for describing a margin.

Independent Software Vendor (ISV) might create discounts or margins for specific Cloud Solution Providers (CSPs). Below are resources that represent and describe margins.


Represents an avalable margin for a given CSP.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier for the margin.
marginPercentage number A percentage discount applied to the CSP retail price.
productId string The product ID the margin is available for.
productTitle string The product title the margin is available for.
productType string The product type the margin is available for.
publisherName string The name of the ISV who created the margin.
skuId string The SKU ID the margin is available for.
skuTitle string The SKU title the margin is available for.
startDate string The start date the margin is available.
endDate string The end date the margin in is available.
status string Status indicting whether the margin is available.
statusDate string The date the status was last updated.


Different types of artifacts describing margins.

Name Description
Margin Defines an individual margin.
MarginSearchResponse Defines the margin response data.