Get invoice unbilled commercial consumption line items
After September 30, 2024, this API will no longer function. Use the information to choose your version and plan ahead.
- To access unbilled daily usage details for the current and previous billing periods, use this API. You can use it until September 30, 2024, unless you switch to v2 GA before that date.
- To get unbilled daily rated usage for current and previous periods, switch to API v2 GA by September 30, 2024.
For API v2 migration steps, go to:
Billed and unbilled daily rated usage reconciliation API v2 (GA)
How to get a collection of unbilled commercial consumption line item details.
You can use the following methods to get a collection of details unbilled commercial consumption line items (also known as open usage line items) programmatically.
The daily rated usage data doesn't include the charges for these products:
- Azure reservation
- Azure savings plan
- Office
- Dynamics
- Microsoft Power Apps
- Perpetual software
- Software subscription
- Marketplace SaaS product
You can retrieve your daily unbilled usage data through the API or Partner Center portal. It can take up to 24 hours for the data to become available. However, there might be further delays depending on your location and when the meters report the usage.
Sometimes, you might not see the most recent unbilled usage data until the billed usage data for the previous month is delivered. This is done to ensure that billed usage data is delivered within the agreed time. Once you receive the billed usage data, you should be able to retrieve all the updated unbilled usage data from the start of the month.
- Credentials as described in Partner Center authentication. This scenario supports authentication with both standalone App and App+User credentials.
To get the line items for the specified invoice:
- Call the ById method to get an interface to invoice operations for the specified invoice.
- Call the Get or GetAsync method to retrieve the invoice object.
The invoice object contains all of the information for the specified invoice. The Provider identifies the source of the unbilled detail information (for example, OneTime). The InvoiceLineItemType specifies the type (for example, UsageLineItem).
The following example code uses a foreach loop to process the InvoiceLineItems collection. A separate collection of line items is retrieved for each InvoiceLineItemType.
To get a collection of line items that correspond to an InvoiceDetail instance:
- Pass the instance's BillingProvider and InvoiceLineItemType to the By method.
- Call the Get or GetAsync method to retrieve the associated line items.
- Create an enumerator to traverse the collection as shown in the following example.
// IAggregatePartner partnerOperations;
// string curencyCode;
// string period;
// int pageMaxSizeReconLineItems = 2000;
// all the operations executed on this partner operation instance will share the same correlation Id but will differ in request Id
IPartner scopedPartnerOperations = partnerOperations.With(RequestContextFactory.Instance.Create(Guid.NewGuid()));
var seekBasedResourceCollection = scopedPartnerOperations.Invoices.ById("unbilled").By("onetime", "usagelineitems", curencyCode, period, pageMaxSizeReconLineItems).Get();
var fetchNext = true;
ConsoleKeyInfo keyInfo;
var itemNumber = 1;
while (fetchNext)
Console.Out.WriteLine("\tLine items count: " + seekBasedResourceCollection.Items.Count());
seekBasedResourceCollection.Items.ToList().ForEach(item =>
// Instance of type DailyRatedUsageLineItem
if (item is DailyRatedUsageLineItem)
Type t = typeof(DailyRatedUsageLineItem);
PropertyInfo[] properties = t.GetProperties();
foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
// Insert code here to work with the line item properties
Console.Out.WriteLine("\tPress any key to fetch next data. Press the Escape (Esc) key to quit: \n");
keyInfo = Console.ReadKey();
if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.Escape)
fetchNext = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(seekBasedResourceCollection.ContinuationToken);
if (fetchNext)
if (seekBasedResourceCollection.Links.Next.Headers != null && seekBasedResourceCollection.Links.Next.Headers.Any())
seekBasedResourceCollection = scopedPartnerOperations.Invoices.ById("unbilled").By("onetime", "usagelineitems", curencyCode, period, pageMaxSizeReconLineItems).Seek(seekBasedResourceCollection.ContinuationToken, SeekOperation.Next);
For a similar example, see:
- Sample: Console test app
- Project: Partner Center SDK Samples
- Class: GetUnBilledConsumptionReconLineItemsPaging.cs
REST request
Request syntax
You can use the following syntaxes for your REST request, depending on your use case. For more information, see the descriptions for each syntax.
Method | Request URI | Description of syntax use case |
GET | {baseURL}/v1/invoices/unbilled/lineitems?provider=onetime&invoicelineitemtype=usagelineitems¤cycode={currencycode}&period={period} HTTP/1.1 | Use this syntax to return a full list of every line item for the given invoice. |
GET | {baseURL}/v1/invoices/unbilled/lineitems?provider=onetime&invoicelineitemtype=usagelineitems¤cycode={currencycode}&period={period}&size={size} HTTP/1.1 | Use this syntax for large invoices. Use this syntax with a specified size and 0-based offset to return a paged list of line items. |
GET | {baseURL}/v1/invoices/unbilled/lineitems?provider=onetime&invoicelineitemtype=usagelineitems¤cycode={currencycode}&period={period}&size={size}&seekOperation=Next | Use this syntax to get the next page of reconciliation line items using seekOperation = "Next" . |
URI parameters
Use the following URI and query parameters when creating the request.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
provider | string | Yes | The provider: "OneTime". |
invoice-line-item-type | string | Yes | The type of invoice detail: "UsageLineItems", "UsageLineItems". |
currencyCode | string | Yes | The currency code for the unbilled line items. |
period | string | Yes | The period for unbilled recon (for example: current, previous). Suppose you need to query your unbilled usage data of the billing cycle (01/01/2020 – 01/31/2020) in January, choose period as "Current," else "Previous." |
size | number | No | The maximum number of items to return. The default size is 2000. |
seekOperation | string | No | Set seekOperation=Next to get the next page of reconciliation line items. |
Request headers
For more information, see Partner Center REST headers.
Request body
REST response
If successful, the response contains the collection of line item details.
For the line item ChargeType, the value Purchase is mapped to New and the value Refund is mapped to Cancel.
Response success and error codes
Each response comes with an HTTP status code that indicates success or failure and other debugging information. Use a network trace tool to read this code, error type, and more parameters. For the full list, see Partner Center REST error codes.
Request-response examples
Request-response example 1
The following details apply to this example:
- Provider: OneTime
- InvoiceLineItemType: UsageLineItems
- Period: Previous
Request example 1
GET¤cycode=usd&period=previous&size=2000 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Accept: application/json
MS-RequestId: 1234ecb8-37af-45f4-a1a1-358de3ca2b9e
MS-CorrelationId: 5e612512-4345-4bb0-866e-47aeda031234
X-Locale: en-US
MS-PartnerCenter-Application: Partner Center .NET SDK Samples
As of June 2023, the latest Partner Center .NET SDK release 3.4.0 is now archived. You can download the SDK release from GitHub, along with a readme file that contains useful information.
Partners are encouraged to continue to use Partner Center REST APIs.
Response example 1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 2484
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
MS-CorrelationId: 5e612512-4345-4bb0-866e-47aeda031234
MS-RequestId: 1234ecb8-37af-45f4-a1a1-358de3ca2b9e
MS-CV: bpqyomePDUqrSSYC.0
MS-ServerId: 202010406
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2019 19:59:27 GMT
"totalCount": 2,
"items": [
"partnerId": "00083575-bbd0-54de-b2ad-0f5b0e927d71",
"partnerName": "MTBC",
"customerId": "",
"customerName": "",
"customerDomainName": "",
"invoiceNumber": "",
"productId": "",
"skuId": "",
"availabilityId": "",
"skuName": "VM-Series Next-Generation Firewall (Bundle 2 PAYG)",
"productName": "VM-Series Next Generation Firewall",
"publisherName": "Test Alto Networks, Inc.",
"publisherId": "",
"subscriptionId": "12345678-04d9-421c-baf8-e3b8dd62ddba",
"subscriptionDescription": "Pay-As-You-Go",
"chargeStartDate": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"chargeEndDate": "2019-02-01T00:00:00Z",
"usageDate": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"meterType": "1 Compute Hour - 4core",
"meterCategory": "Virtual Machine Licenses",
"meterId": "4core",
"meterSubCategory": "VM-Series Next Generation Firewall",
"meterName": "VM-Series Next Generation Firewall - VM-Series Next-Generation Firewall (Bundle 2 PAYG) - 4 Core Hours",
"meterRegion": "",
"unitOfMeasure": "1 Hour",
"resourceLocation": "EASTUS",
"consumedService": "Microsoft.Compute",
"resourceGroup": "ECH-PAN-RG",
"resourceUri": "/subscriptions/12345678-04d9-421c-baf8-e3b8dd62ddba/resourceGroups/ECH-PAN-RG/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/echpanfw",
"tags": "",
"additionalInfo": "{ \"ImageType\": null, \"ServiceType\": \"Standard_D3_v2\", \"VMName\": null, \"VMProperties\": null, \"UsageType\": \"ComputeHR_SW\"}",
"serviceInfo1": "",
"serviceInfo2": "",
"customerCountry": "",
"mpnId": "1234567",
"resellerMpnId": "",
"chargeType": "",
"unitPrice": 1.2799888920023,
"quantity": 24.0,
"unitType": "",
"billingPreTaxTotal": 30.7197334080551,
"billingCurrency": "USD",
"pricingPreTaxTotal": 30.7197334080551,
"pricingCurrency": "USD",
"entitlementId": "3f47bcf1-965d-40a1-a2bc-3d5db3653250",
"entitlementDescription": "Partner Subscription",
"pcToBCExchangeRate": 1,
"pcToBCExchangeRateDate": "2019-08-01T00:00:00Z",
"effectiveUnitPrice": 0,
"rateOfPartnerEarnedCredit": 0,
"rateOfCredit": 0,
"creditType": "Credit Not Applied",
"invoiceLineItemType": "usage_line_items",
"billingProvider": "marketplace",
"benefitOrderId": "5ea053d6-4a0d-46ef-bc82-15065b475d01",
"benefitId": "28ddab06-2c5b-479e-88bb-7b7bfda4e7fd",
"benefitType": "SavingsPlan",
"attributes": {
"objectType": "DailyRatedUsageLineItem"
"partnerId": "00083575-bbd0-54de-b2ad-0f5b0e927d71",
"partnerName": "MTBC",
"customerId": "",
"customerName": "",
"customerDomainName": "",
"invoiceNumber": "",
"productId": "",
"skuId": "",
"availabilityId": "",
"skuName": "VM-Series Next-Generation Firewall (Bundle 2 PAYG)",
"productName": "VM-Series Next Generation Firewall",
"publisherName": "Test Alto Networks, Inc.",
"publisherId": "",
"subscriptionId": "12345678-04d9-421c-baf8-e3b8dd62ddba",
"subscriptionDescription": "Pay-As-You-Go",
"chargeStartDate": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"chargeEndDate": "2019-02-01T00:00:00Z",
"usageDate": "2019-01-02T00:00:00Z",
"meterType": "1 Compute Hour - 4core",
"meterCategory": "Virtual Machine Licenses",
"meterId": "4core",
"meterSubCategory": "VM-Series Next Generation Firewall",
"meterName": "VM-Series Next Generation Firewall - VM-Series Next-Generation Firewall (Bundle 2 PAYG) - 4 Core Hours",
"meterRegion": "",
"unitOfMeasure": "1 Hour",
"resourceLocation": "EASTUS",
"consumedService": "Microsoft.Compute",
"resourceGroup": "ECH-PAN-RG",
"resourceUri": "/subscriptions/12345678-04d9-421c-baf8-e3b8dd62ddba/resourceGroups/ECH-PAN-RG/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/echpanfw",
"tags": "",
"additionalInfo": "{ \"ImageType\": null, \"ServiceType\": \"Standard_D3_v2\", \"VMName\": null, \"VMProperties\": null, \"UsageType\": \"ComputeHR_SW\"}",
"serviceInfo1": "",
"serviceInfo2": "",
"customerCountry": "",
"mpnId": "1234567",
"resellerMpnId": "",
"chargeType": "",
"unitPrice": 1.2799888920023,
"quantity": 24.0,
"unitType": "",
"billingPreTaxTotal": 30.7197334080551,
"billingCurrency": "USD",
"pricingPreTaxTotal": 30.7197334080551,
"pricingCurrency": "USD",
"entitlementId": "31cdf47f-b249-4edd-9319-637862d12345",
"entitlementDescription": "Partner Subscription",
"pcToBCExchangeRate": 1,
"pcToBCExchangeRateDate": "2019-08-01T00:00:00Z",
"effectiveUnitPrice": 0,
"rateOfPartnerEarnedCredit": 0,
"rateOfCredit": 1,
"creditType": "Azure Credit Applied",
"invoiceLineItemTypce": "usage_line_items",
"billingProvider": "marketplace",
"benefitOrderId": "",
"benefitId": "",
"benefitType": "Charge",
"attributes": {
"objectType": "DailyRatedUsageLineItem"
"links": {
"self": {
"uri": "/invoices/unbilled/lineitems?provider=onetime&invoicelineitemtype=usagelineitems¤cycode=usd&period=previous&size=2000",
"method": "GET",
"headers": []
"next": {
"uri": "/invoices/unbilled/lineitems?provider=onetime&invoicelineitemtype=usagelineitems¤cycode=usd&period=previous&size=2000&seekOperation=Next",
"method": "GET",
"headers": [
"key": "MS-ContinuationToken",
"value": "AQAAAA=="
"attributes": {
"objectType": "Collection"
Request-response example 2
The following details apply to this example:
- Provider: OneTime
- InvoiceLineItemType: UsageLineItems
- Period: Previous
- SeekOperation: Next
Request example 2
GET¤cyCode=usd&period=previous&size=2000&seekoperation=next HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Accept: application/json
MS-ContinuationToken: d19617b8-fbe5-4684-a5d8-0230972fb0cf,0705c4a9-39f7-4261-ba6d-53e24a9ce47d_a4ayc/80/OGda4BO/1o/V0etpOqiLx1JwB5S3beHW0s=,0d81c700-98b4-4b13-9129-ffd5620f72e7
MS-RequestId: 1234ecb8-37af-45f4-a1a1-358de3ca2b9e
MS-CorrelationId: 5e612512-4345-4bb0-866e-47aeda031234
X-Locale: en-US
MS-PartnerCenter-Application: Partner Center .NET SDK Samples
Response example 2
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 2484
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
MS-CorrelationId: 5e612512-4345-4bb0-866e-47aeda031234
MS-RequestId: 1234ecb8-37af-45f4-a1a1-358de3ca2b9e
MS-CV: bpqyomePDUqrSSYC.0
MS-ServerId: 202010406
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2019 19:59:27 GMT
"totalCount": 1,
"items": [
"partnerId": "00083575-bbd0-54de-b2ad-0f5b0e927d71",
"partnerName": "MTBC",
"customerId": "",
"customerName": "",
"customerDomainName": "",
"invoiceNumber": "",
"productId": "",
"skuId": "",
"availabilityId": "",
"skuName": "VM-Series Next-Generation Firewall (Bundle 2 PAYG)",
"productName": "VM-Series Next Generation Firewall",
"publisherName": "Test Alto Networks, Inc.",
"publisherId": "",
"subscriptionId": "12345678-04d9-421c-baf8-e3b8dd62ddba",
"subscriptionDescription": "Pay-As-You-Go",
"chargeStartDate": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"chargeEndDate": "2019-02-01T00:00:00Z",
"usageDate": "2019-01-02T00:00:00Z",
"meterType": "1 Compute Hour - 4core",
"meterCategory": "Virtual Machine Licenses",
"meterId": "4core",
"meterSubCategory": "VM-Series Next Generation Firewall",
"meterName": "VM-Series Next Generation Firewall - VM-Series Next-Generation Firewall (Bundle 2 PAYG) - 4 Core Hours",
"meterRegion": "",
"unitOfMeasure": "1 Hour",
"resourceLocation": "EASTUS",
"consumedService": "Microsoft.Compute",
"resourceGroup": "ECH-PAN-RG",
"resourceUri": "/subscriptions/12345678-04d9-421c-baf8-e3b8dd62ddba/resourceGroups/ECH-PAN-RG/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/echpanfw",
"tags": "",
"additionalInfo": "{ \"ImageType\": null, \"ServiceType\": \"Standard_D3_v2\", \"VMName\": null, \"VMProperties\": null, \"UsageType\": \"ComputeHR_SW\"}",
"serviceInfo1": "",
"serviceInfo2": "",
"customerCountry": "",
"mpnId": "1234567",
"resellerMpnId": "",
"chargeType": "",
"unitPrice": 1.2799888920023,
"quantity": 24.0,
"unitType": "",
"billingPreTaxTotal": 30.7197334080551,
"billingCurrency": "USD",
"pricingPreTaxTotal": 30.7197334080551,
"pricingCurrency": "USD",
"entitlementId": "31cdf47f-b249-4edd-9319-637862d8c0b4",
"entitlementDescription": "Partner Subscription",
"pcToBCExchangeRate": 1,
"pcToBCExchangeRateDate": "2019-08-01T00:00:00Z",
"effectiveUnitPrice": 0,
"rateOfPartnerEarnedCredit": 0.15,
"rateOfCredit": 0.15,
"creditType": "Partner Earned Credit Applied",
"invoiceLineItemType": "usage_line_items",
"billingProvider": "marketplace",
"benefitOrderId": "",
"benefitId": "",
"benefitType": "Charge",
"attributes": {
"objectType": "DailyRatedUsageLineItem"
"links": {
"self": {
"uri": "/invoices/unbilled/lineitems?provider=onetime&invoicelineitemtype=usagelineitems¤cycode=usd&period=previous&size=2000",
"method": "GET",
"headers": []
"attributes": {
"objectType": "Collection"