TransferEntity resources

A partner creates a transfer when a customer wants their subscription with the partner to be transferred to another partner.


Describes a transferEntity.

Property Type Description
ID string A transferEntity identifier that is supplied upon successful creation of the transferEntity.
createdTime DateTime The date the transferEntity was created, in date-time format. Applied upon successful creation of the transferEntity.
lastModifiedTime DateTime The date the transferEntity was last updated, in date-time format. Applied upon successful creation of the transferEntity.
lastModifiedUser string The user who last updated the transferEntity. Applied upon successful creation of transferEntity.
customerName string Optional. The name of the customer whose subscriptions are being transferred.
customerTenantId string A GUID formatted customer-id that identifies the customer. Applied upon successful creation of the transferEntity.
partnertenantid string A GUID formatted partner-id that identifies the partner.
sourcePartnerName string Optional. The name of the partner's organization who is initiating the transfer.
sourcePartnerTenantId string A GUID formatted partner-id that identifies the partner initiating the transfer.
targetPartnerName string Optional. The name of the partner's organization to whom the transfer is targeted.
targetPartnerTenantId string A GUID formatted partner-id that identifies the partner to whom the transfer is targeted.
lineItems Array of objects An Array of TransferLineItem resources.
status string The status of the transferEntity. Possible values are "Active" (can be deleted/submitted) and "Completed" (has already been completed). Applied upon successful creation of the transferEntity.


Represents one item contained in a transferEntity.

Property Type Description
ID string A unique identifier for a transfer line item. Applied upon successful creation of the transferEntity.
subscriptionId string The subscription identifier.
quantity int The number of licenses or instances.
billingCycle Object The type of billing cycle set for the current period.
friendlyName string Optional. The friendly name for the item defined by the partner to help disambiguate.
partnerIdOnRecord string PartnerId on Record on the purchase that happens when the transfer is accepted.
offerId string The offer identifier.
addonItems List of TransferLineItem objects A collection of transferEntity line items for addons that are transferred along with the base subscription that is being transferred. Applied upon successful creation of the transferEntity.
transferError string Applied after transferEntity is accepted in case there's an error.
status string The status of the lineitem in the transferEntity.


Represents the result of a transfer accept.

Property Type Description
orders List of Order objects. The collection of orders.
transferErrors List of TransferError objects. The collection of transfer errors.


Represents an error that occurs when a transfer is accepted.

Property Type Description
transferGroupId string The order group ID of the order with the error.
code int The error code.
description string The description of the error.
lineItems List of TransferLineItem objects A collection of transferEntity line items that are part of the transfer error.


An [Enum/dotnet/api/system.enum) with values that indicate a type of order error.

Value Position Description
PartnerTokenMissing 800001 Partner Token missing in request context.
InvalidInput 800002 Invalid request input.
ServiceException 800003 Unexpected service error.
InvalidOfferId 800004 Invalid offer ID.
CreateOrderError 800005 Create order isn't successful.
MpnIdNotFound 800015 PartnerID isn't found.
NotValidIndirectResellerMpnId 800016 PartnerID isn't a valid Indirect Reseller.
TransferIdNotFound 900100 Transfer request not found.
TransferNotAllowedIfStatusIsInProgress 900101 The transfer request is already in progress.
TransferNotAllowedIfStatusIsCompleted 900102 The transfer request is already complete.
TransferCreateOrderError 900103 The transfer order isn't successful.
TransferProcessedByAnotherRequest 900104 The transfer is being processed by another request.