assetId |
Asset identifier |
calculationDate |
Date the earning was calculated in the system |
customerCountry |
Customer country/region |
customerEmail |
End customer email ID |
customerName |
May be blank |
customerId |
Tenant ID of the end customer |
earningAmount |
Earning Amount in the original transaction currency |
earningAmountInLastPaymentCurrency |
Earning amount in the last payment currency (This field is empty when no prior payments have been paid) |
earningAmountUSD |
Earning amount in USD |
earningDate |
Date of the earning |
earningExchangeRate |
Exchange rate used to show the corresponding USD amount |
earningId |
Unique identifier for each earning |
earningParticipantId, earningParticipantName, and earningParticipantIdType |
Partner identity in the transact relationship |
earningRate |
Incentives rate applied on transaction amount to generate an earning |
earningType |
Indicates whether it's fee, rebate, co-op, sell, and so on |
estimatedPaymentMonth |
Month in which the earning is likely to be paid. Determined based on transaction date. |
exchangeRateDate |
Exchange rate date used to calculate EarningAmount USD |
externalReferenceId |
Unique identifier for the program |
externalReferenceIdLabel |
Unique identifier label |
invoiceNumber |
Invoice number (applicable for enterprise only) |
isPrivateOffer |
Indicates if offer is private or public. True indicates Private and false indicates Public offer |
lastPaymentCurrency |
Last payment currency (Blank if no prior payment paid) |
lever |
Indicates business rule for the earning |
LineItemId |
Individual line in a customer's invoice |
localProviderSeller |
Local provider/seller of record |
Maturity month |
The estimated payment month |
OrderId |
Relates to a customer's invoice |
parentProductId |
Unique parent product identifier. If there isn't a parent product for the transaction, then Parent Product ID = Product ID. |
parentProductName |
Name of the parent product. If there isn't a parent product for the transaction, then parentProductName = productName. |
participantId |
The primary identity of the partner earning under the program |
participantIdType |
Mostly program ID for incentive programs and Seller IF for Marketplaces |
participantName |
Name of the earning partner |
partnerAssociation |
Type of relationship partner has to a customer. Examples: reseller, PAL.Owner |
partnerCountryCode |
Location/country/region of the earning partner |
partNumber |
Always blank |
paymentId |
Unique identifier correlates all transactions in the transaction report with a payment in the payment report |
paymentStatus |
Payment status |
paymentStatusDescription |
Friendly description of payment status |
productId |
Unique product identifier |
productName |
Product name linked to the transaction |
productType |
Type of product, such as App, Add-on, or Game |
Program Code |
String to map with the program name |
programName |
Incentive/store program name |
quantity |
Varies based on program. Indicates billed quantity for transactional programs |
quantityType |
Indicates the type of quantity, for example, MAU (monthly active users), Seats. |
reasonCode |
Reason for adjustments |
resellerCountry |
resellerId |
Reseller identifier |
resellerName |
Reseller name |
SkuId |
SKU ID as defined during publishing. An offer can have many SKUs, but a SKU can only be associated with a single offer. |
storeFee |
The amount retained by Microsoft as a fee for making the app or add-on available in the Store |
subscriptionId |
Subscription identifier associated with customer |
taxCity |
taxCountry |
taxRemitModel |
Party responsible for remitting taxes (sales, use, or VAT/GST taxes) |
taxRemitted |
Amount of tax remitted (sales, use, or VAT/GST taxes). taxRemitted only reports the amount for Microsoft Customer Agreement transactions, not Enterprise Agreement transactions. |
taxState |
Customer's state |
taxZipCode |
Customer's ZIP/postal code |
tpan |
Indicates the third-party ad network |
transactionAmount |
Transaction amount in the original transaction currency based on which earning is generated |
transactionAmountUSD |
Transaction amount in USD |
transactionCountryCode |
Country/region code in which the transaction happened |
transactionCurrency |
Currency in which the original customer transaction occurred (which isn't partner location currency) |
transactionDate |
Date when the payment has been received for the purchase record by the customer. Useful for programs where many transactions contribute to one earning |
transactionExchangeRate |
Exchange rate data used to show the corresponding transaction USD amount |
transactionId |
Unique identifier for the transaction |
transactionPaymentMethod |
Customer payment instrument used for the transaction, such as Card, Mobile Carrier Billing, or PayPal |
transactionType |
Type of transaction, such as purchase, refund, reversal, or chargeback |
workload |
Name of the workload, service name, for example, spo (for Sharepoint), powerbistandalone (Power BI Standalone), Virtual Machines |