Locate important IDs for a user

Appropriate roles: Global admin

This article describes how to use the Azure portal to locate the following information for a user:

Find the Microsoft Entra tenant ID and primary domain name

Follow these steps to locate the Microsoft Entra ID tenant ID or primary domain name at the Azure portal. (If you'd like to find a tenant ID programmatically, see Find tenant ID with PowerShell or CLI.)


The tenant ID might be called different names in different applications or resources. For example, the tenant ID might be referred to as the directory ID, the Microsoft Entra tenant, Microsoft ID, or for certain reports, the tenantguid.

To find a tenant ID and a primary domain name, use the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.

  2. Select Microsoft Entra ID from the menu.

    Shows Azure portal selecting the Microsoft Entra option from the menu.

  3. The Microsoft Entra ID Overview page appears. To find the Microsoft Entra tenant ID or primary domain name, look for Tenant ID and Primary domain in the Basic information section.

    You can also find a tenant ID in the Azure portal in other ways:

    • Select Microsoft Entra ID from the menu. Then, locate the Manage section on the menu and select Properties.

    • The Properties page also displays a user's associated Tenant ID.

    Screenshot showing the Properties page with the Tenant ID highlighted.

Find the user object ID

Just finding the domain name and tenant ID might not always be enough. You might also need to locate the object ID assigned to a user.

To find a user's object ID, use the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.

  2. Select Microsoft Entra ID from the menu.

  3. Locate the Manage section on the menu and then select Users.

    Screenshot that shows the Microsoft Entra ID menu with the Users option highlighted.

  4. On the Users page, enter the user's name in the Search box.

    Screenshot that shows the Users page with a search box to search for a user.

  5. Select the user's name where it appears on the list.

    Screenshot showing the User page displaying a row for the searched user.

  6. Locate the Basic info section on the user's Profile page. The Object ID that is displayed is the user's unique object ID.

    Screenshot that shows the User Profile page with Identity section and the Object ID highlighted.

Next steps