Partner Center FastTrack Insights

Appropriate roles: Report viewer | Executive report viewer

In Partner Center, the FastTrack Insights dashboard is a unified reporting dashboard for FastTrack Partner Community (FPC) members. The dashboard provides Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) reporting and data insights for customers, such as product usage, licensing, upsell opportunities, incentives, referrals.

These reports allow partners to make data-driven decisions for their organization, to identify new opportunities for growing customer and business success.

Growth opportunities

Screenshot of the FastTrack Opportunities tab.

The Opportunities tab shows a report of various customer KPIs, usage, and upsell opportunities specifically scoped down to your Microsoft 365 commercial customers.


The following data is available in the opportunity report:

  • TPID: The Top Parent Organization ID (TPID) associated with the Tenant ID. For any given Tenant ID on any given date, there's only one customer TPID.

  • Tenant ID: Unique identifier of a customer tenant that contains all the unique users, domains, and subscriptions, and is administered by the Tenant Admin.

  • Tenant name: Name of the customer tenant as entered by the customer when the tenant was first created.

  • Workload: Workload names refer to the specific services or applications that are part of the Microsoft 365 suite.

  • SKU: A SKU is a unique identifier for a distinct product and service group that can be purchased as part of the Microsoft 365 suite.

  • MAU: Monthly Active Users is the measure, determined by Microsoft product telemetry, of unique signed-in users who took one or more intentional actions in the last rolling 28 days. The intentional action establishes clear user intent to perform a specific business action.

  • PAU: Paid Available Units is the measure of paid licenses assigned to a tenant. Paid license means there's revenue associated with the license per Microsoft internal systems.

  • Usage %: The ratio of MAU divided by PAU, capped at 100%.

  • Usage threshold: Usage profiles of the customer tenant and workloads based on specific usage tipping points of the workloads in the current subscription.

  • Usage tipping point - Tipping points define optimal usage thresholds for specific workloads within customer segments and SKU that are highly correlated with upsell and expansion opportunities. These thresholds are identified through analysis and are used to determine when a customer is most likely to benefit from an upsell, based on their current usage patterns. Note that usage tipping points can vary by workload and customer segment, ranging from 0% to 90%, and may change over time as models are further refined.

  • "Above" signifies a tenant's optimal usage threshold for upsell propensity.

  • "Below" indicates a tenant's opportunity for growth.

  • Opportunity: Recommended sales motions based on the analysis and correlation of customer usage profile and upsell propensity.

  • CPOR Claim #: Unique identifier assigned when a partner recognizes a claim as the servicing partner for a customer's Microsoft cloud environment.

    The claim number is used to track the claim's status and is essential for partners to receive incentives and recognition for their services.

  • Starting HWM: The highest all-time monthly active users (MAU) before the partner association date.

    It's a benchmark used to measure the initial level of usage or engagement that a partner brings to the table when they begin their association with Microsoft.

  • Prior HWM: The highest all-time recorded monthly active users (MAU) for a particular service or subscription within a specified time frame before a certain event. Examples: The start of a new billing cycle, or the date of a partner association.

    It serves as a benchmark used to measure growth or decline in usage over time and is used to determine the baseline from which growth is measured for incentive calculations.

  • Potential Earnings: Calculated by multiplying a workload's opportunity units by the rate per unit for a specific workload.

    This calculation provides an estimation of the earnings a partner could potentially receive for servicing a customer's Microsoft cloud environment under the Claiming Partner of Record (CPOR) program.

  • Resources: Recommended FastTrack guidance and documentation to support partners with customer upsell and workload adoption efforts.

Foundational: Growth Propensity Model

It's crucial to comprehend the foundational model that underpins the opportunity data presented in the dashboard.

The Microsoft Growth Propensity model has evolved over the years and is backed by tenant usage data. The fundamental concept is to drive upsell through usage at specific points in time, based on customer usage of various workloads.

Every customer is above or below a usage threshold based on specific usage tipping points of the workloads in the customer's subscription.

Diagram of the growth propensity model. The model shown is a circle, where targeting leads to usage, which leads to upsell, which leads back to targeting. A grid shows that as usage goes up, O365 upsells to ME3, which upsells to ME5, which upsells to ME5 Expansion.

The 3x3 grid (Usage Tipping Point + Opportunity) in the previous image shows different states of the tenant based on their subscription level. The Opportunity column identifies the subscription level of the customer having O365, ME3, or ME5. The model helps to identify the current state of the customer and determines areas of focus needed to drive to the next state.

With the model, in an ideal scenario partners and sellers want their customers to move from the bottom left (O365 below threshold) to the top right (ME5 above threshold) over time, to drive upsell and expansion within the given SKUs.

The focus for tenants in the bottom left would be to get O365 tenants from below threshold to a healthy state (above threshold state) by driving usage to the tipping point. The benefit of doing this is that the customer would have a higher propensity to upgrade to a higher SKU, which leads to more opportunities.


For tenants in O365 who are above the threshold are good candidates to upsell to an ME3 or ME5. Partners can use workshops to help drive intent.

For customers with ME3 subscriptions that are below threshold, driving them to a healthy usage state ("above threshold") results in a higher propensity to upsell to an ME5 subscription and associated activities to deploy and adopt the advanced workloads.

How opportunities are calculated

Opportunities are calculated at two different levels. The first is at the workload level and the second (in aggregation) is for the entire tenant.

The following chart describes how opportunities go from a starting point and are calculated with a resulting recommendation:

Diagram of how opportunities are calculated, which is described in the following Cases section.


  • If the Paid Available Units (PAU) of a workload is below 150 or tenant doesn't have any PAU, the customer is ineligible for FastTrack benefits. The usage threshold can't be determined. An Upsell opportunity is returned by default for the workload. The recommendation is to sell more licenses, of the same or higher SKU.

  • If a workload is equal or more than 150 PAU, and the workload isn't claimed, then the recommendation is to claim the workload through CPOR.

  • If a workload is claimed and incentivized, then:

    • If the usage is more than the threshold, the recommendation is to claim incentives for this workload.
    • If the usage is less than the threshold, the recommendation is to drive usage over tipping points and claim incentives.
  • If a workload isn't incentivized, there are still opportunities for you as a partner, to either drive usage above tipping point to ensure customer benefits from what they purchased and renewing their licenses or purchasing more licenses (upsell).

How workload opportunities are displayed in the table in the dashboard

Screenshot of the FastTrack Opportunities tab, featuring the column headings: Usage threshold, tipping point, and opportunity.

Opportunity calculation at tenant level

If a tenant has more than four workloads above tipping points, the tenant is flagged with an upsell opportunity. Individual workloads show N/A if they aren't claimed, incentives, or usage opportunities.

If a tenant has multiple workloads under tipping points, the tenant is flagged with a usage opportunity. The report provides additional information to help identify workloads at risk (high potential of customer not renewing license), available potential earnings of available, and incentives. The overall growth seat whitespace indicates the magnitude of the opportunity.

How tenant level opportunities are summarized

Screenshot of the FastTrack Upsell Opportunities section.

  1. Summary of opportunities for a particular Microsoft365 SKU.
  2. Number of tenants with upsell and growth opportunities.
  3. Number of tenants with upsell opportunities, where per tenant four or more workloads are above tipping points.
  4. Number of tenants with usage (below tipping point), claim, and incentive opportunities.
  5. Count of workloads below tipping points across all tenants.
  6. Count of workloads with claim opportunities (incentive or not).
  7. Count of workloads with potentials earnings.
  8. PAU - MAU


  • Customer Association: CPOR is the mechanism used to associate customers to your partner organization, and to serve usage and opportunity data. It requires at least one claimed CPOR workload in a customer tenant to receive reporting for a tenant and all workloads in this tenant.
  • Workloads: Only CPOR workloads are currently included in the opportunity data report.
  • Opportunity data is currently only available for M365 Office, E3 and E5 SKUs of Enterprise and Small-Medium-Corporate (SMC) tenants.

If you want to see usage and claim data for all Microsoft 365 workloads of a customer as well as EDU, SMB, Gov tenants, select the Tenants tab.

The following functionality is available to work with the opportunity data:

Screenshot of filter and search features in the FastTrack Upsell Opportunities section.

  • Search: Search for tenant name, tenant ID, workload name.
  • Filter: Filters table data by various dimensions like workloads, SKUs, Usage Thresholds, Claims, and Opportunities.
  • Column configuration: Configure column visibility.

Screenshot of Download, Label definition, and Got Feedback features in the FastTrack Upsell Opportunities section.

  • Download: Export current table view and data to CSV.
  • Label definition: Quick peek at definition and meaning of various KPIs and columns.
  • Got feedback: Redirect to our community forum for product feedback. Let us know if you have any suggestions or ideas for improvement or if something doesn't work for you. We're actively monitoring the forum and will reply to you.
  • Sort: Sort data in the table in each column.

Tenant usage

The Tenants tab shows detailed information of all your customers tenant workload usage and CPOR claim information.

Screenshot of the Tenants tab in the FastTrack Upsell report.

CPOR is the mechanism used to associate customers to your partner organization and to serve usage and opportunity data. It requires at least one claimed CPOR workload in a customer tenant to receive reporting for a tenant and all workloads in this tenant.


Compared to the customer data in the Opportunities tab, where the data is limited to Enterprise (ENT) and Small Medium Corporate (SMC) tenants, the customer data shown on this page includes customers from all segments including Educational (EDU) and Small Medium Business (SMB).

The following functionality is available:

Screenshot of the Download data, filter, and Search tenant features in the Tenant usage tab of the FastTrack Upsell report.

  • Download data: Export current table view and data to CSV.
  • Filter: Filters table data by various dimensions like workloads and claim date.
  • Search: Search for tenant name or tenant domain.
  • Sort: You can sort data in the table in each column.


The Referrals tab allows partners to see all referrals in one location. Partners can also see a list of tenants that have been assigned to their partner organization. The following information is visible: Tenant name, Referral source, Referral ID, Acceptance, Date of assignment, and Referral status.

Screenshot of the Referrals tab in the Tenant usage tab of the FastTrack Upsell report.

The tenant list can be filtered by entering the Tenant Name, Referral ID, or Referral ID in the Search box. The data can be sorted by any of the columns.

Selecting the Tenant Name calls up the Tenant's details view with tiles for Referral and Tenant details and the option to view Active Usage (AU%), Contacts, or Notes history.

Screenshot of a view of a sample tenant in the FastTrack Upsell report.

Partners can select the Edit button to save changes made to the following fields:

  • Acceptance
  • If declined, reason:
  • Referral status
  • Value added services sold
  • Services estimated value

Screenshot of the Edit menu when viewing a sample tenant referral.

Saved notes are added to the Notes history tab of the Tenant details view. A Referral can be edited as often as necessary.


If Acceptance is set to Decline and the Edit is saved, the Tenant Name in the Referrals tab will no longer be linked, and the partner will not be able to navigate back to the Tenant's Details view. The Tenant Name will also be converted to plain text if a referral is not accepted within seven days. The referral will be assigned to another partner.

If the AU% information at the time of the referral isn't available, you'll see a link to the FRP Dashboard. Data in the FRP Dashboard will be available two to three days after assignment.

Screenshot of the warning: No active usage data.

The existing Referral emails will continue to be sent. The referral takes about 15 minutes to appear in the FCU after being assigned. If you receive the email and immediately check the Referral tab, you might not see it. Refresh the page after 15 minutes.