Security alerts reference guide

This page lists the security alert types that are crucial for maintaining the integrity and safety of our operations within the Cloud Service Provider (CSP) program. Each alert type is designed to alert you about security-related conditions that might need prompt attention or intervention.


This article serves as a comprehensive reference for both legacy and contemporary Security Alert types. Partners are encouraged to utilize this resource to accurately query alerts, distinguishing between those detected before and after May 15th. For alerts identified post-May 15th, the new Security Alert Types should be employed, while legacy Security Alerts should be addressed for earlier detections. The alerts within this guide are meticulously crafted to reflect ongoing changes and improvements in the security domain. Partners are advised to use this guide frequently to remain informed and proactive in managing security threats effectively. To learn more about how to resolve alerts, please review the Partner Center API or Partner Center portal documentation for more details.

Security alerts (new)

To query or resolve alerts for new Security alert types.

Alert Description AlertType
ARM Anomalous Resource Consumption Indicates unusual Azure Resource Manager (ARM) resource consumption detected on the subscription ARM_AnomalousResourceConsumption
ARM Suspicious Operations Indicates unusual ARM operations detected on the subscription ARM_SuspiciousOperations
VM Anomalous Deployment Indicates unusual virtual machine (VM) deployment operations detected on the subscription VM_AnomalousDeployment
Azure Batch Anomalous Deployment Indicates unusual Azure batch deployment operations detected on the subscription AzureBatch_AnomalousDeployment
Azure Container Instances Anomalous Deployment Indicates unusual Azure container instance deployment operations detected on the subscription AzureContainerInstances_AnomalousDeployment
Azure Machine Learning Anomalous Deployment Indicates unusual Azure Batch Machine deployment operations detected on the subscription AzureMachineLearning_AnomalousDeployment
CryptoMining Indicates cryptomining activity detected on Azure Subscription Resource CryptoMining
Quota Increase Anomaly Indicates unusual quota increase operations detected on the subscription QuotaIncrease_Anomaly
User Suspicious Activities Indicates unusual activity performed by subscription users User_SuspiciousUserActivities
Service Health Security Advisory Indicates a security advisory notification sent to your customer tenant

For more information, see the description of the security alert from the Dashboard

Legacy security alert types

To resolve the alerts earlier than May 15, 2024, partners should use the following alert types:

Legacy securityAlertType Description
ElevateAccess_VMCreation Analysis of anomalous number of elevate access requests and high deployment count.
UsageAnomalyDetection Analysis of Azure resource detected anomalies in: "Anomalous increase in Machine Learning General purpose CPU deployment regions compared to trend in the last 30 days."
VirtualMachineDeploymentAnomaly Analysis of Azure resource detected anomalies in Virtual Machine Deployments across one or more regions.
MultiRegionVirtualMachineScaleSetDeploymentAnomaly Analysis of Azure resource detected anomalies in Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set usage across one or more regions.
RiskyIdentityCryptoMining Identifies subscriptions that access at least one known crypto mining pool from a VM deployed by a risky user.
ElevateAccess_RBACWrites Analysis of anomalous number of elevate access requests and high deployment count.
VmDeploymentVelocity Suspicious virtual machine deployments.
AzureSubscription_ConfirmedMSAPUID Analysis of Azure subscription shows the Partner Unique ID (PUID) used by Unauthorized Party Abuse (UPA) actor was added to this subscription.
RecentlyAddedCryptoMining Identifies subscriptions who mine crypto currency from resources deployed by recently added principal object identifiers (OIDs).
ArmActionsAnomaly Analysis of Azure resource detected anomalies in Azure Resource Manager (ARM) write operations.
MultiRegionMachineLearningUsageAnomaly Analysis of Azure resource detected anomalies in Azure Machine Learning resources usage across one or more regions.
AzureSubscription_SuspiciousMSAPuid Analysis of Azure subscription shows that it has operations performed by suspicious Microsoft account (MSA) PUID.
AzureMachineLearning_MultiRegionCoreCreationAnomaly Analysis of Azure resource detected rapid multi-region Azure Machine Learning cores creation.
AzureMachineLearning_MultiRegionClusterCreationAnomaly Analysis of Azure resource detected rapid multi-region Azure Machine Learning cluster creation across one or more regions.
NetworkConnectionsToCryptoMiningPools Analysis of Azure resource network activity detected the resource was connecting to a crypto currency mining pool. This would often be an indication that your Azure resource is compromised.
ElevateAccess_ClassicAdminWrites Analysis of anomalous number of elevate access requests and high deployment count.