Additional Information

Additional Information available to the Public

In addition to the pages on this website, the PlayReady team provides the following documentation:

Additional Information available to Licensees

  • Documentation restricted to PlayReady Licensees (CHM)

    The PlayReady Documentation Package (also known as the CHM or CHM file, or Compiled HTML file), is a set of documentation pages compiled in a single file, that provides documentation to PlayReady Licensees only about:

    • PlayReady Server SDK
    • PlayReady Device Porting Kit
    • PlayReady Certificates
    • Additional Specifications and Format Documentation
  • PlayReady Video Tutorials

    Provides video training and PlayReady conference videos that describe in detail aspects of PlayReady implementation. This website is restricted to licensees and requires an authorization token.

  • PlayReady Training Slides

    Provides training slides (Knowledge Base) that describe how to implement PlayReady Clients and PlayReady Servers. This website is restricted to licensees.

  • PlayReady Licensing Portal

    Provides information and operations about licensing agreements and certificates