
It is called by the framework prior to a component initialization. Returns an object schema based on nomenclature defined in manifest, for any output property of type object.

Available for

Model-driven apps, canvas apps, & portals.




The output will contain JSON schema for each property of type object defined in the manifest.

For example, if the manifest has an output property of type object called MyOutputObject, and your control should return an object like this for value of MyOutputObject property:

  "ProductName": "sample name", 
  "Value": 123.4 

Then you should return:


  "MyOutputObject": { 
    "$schema": "", 
    "type": "object", 
    "properties": { 
      "ProductName": { 
        "type": "string" 
      "Value": { 
        "type": "number" 

The return schema is a subset of the JSON schema. Supported types and keyword for JSON schema:

  • string
  • integer
  • number
  • array
    • items
  • object
    • properties
  • boolean


Parameter Name Type Required Description
context Context yes The Input Properties containing the parameters, component metadata and interface functions.


Control has an object type output property called MyOutputObject and the value looks like this:

  id: 10, 
  productDetails: { 
    name: "Test Product", 
    price: 100.23, 
  itemList: [ 
      itemId: 1, 
      name: "Item-1", 
      value: 123, 
      active: true, 
      itemId: 2, 
      name: "Item-2", 
      value: 234, 
      active: false, 

GetOutputSchema implementation:

public async getOutputSchema(context: ComponentFramework.Context<IInputs>): 
Promise<Record<string, unknown>> { 
  return Promise.resolve({ 
    MyOutputObject: { 
      "$schema": "", 
      "type": "object", 
      "properties": { 
        "id": { 
          "type": "integer" 
        "productDetails": { 
          "type": "object", 
          "properties": { 
            "name": { 
              "type": "string" 
            "price": { 
              "type": "number" 
        "itemList": { 
          "type": "array", 
            "type": "object", 
            "properties": { 
              "itemId": { 
                "type": "integer" 
              "name": { 
                "type": "string" 
              "value": { 
                "type": "integer" 
              "active": { 
                "type": "boolean" 

Power Apps component framework API reference
Power Apps component framework overview