Data type format conversions

Microsoft Dataverse has several data types that can be configured with different formats. You can specify the format of the column using either the solution explorer or by API operations. The following sections provide more details about data type formats, including:

Supported formats by data type

The format column specifies the UI on how to display the content. Some formats available in the UI are Phone, Email, or Duration. The applied formats don't validate context, domains, or any other values. They instruct the UI about which control to use for that type.


The following table provides information about the formats available for each data type:

Data Type Format name Description Available to app maker? Notes
Text Text Basic text column that contains text characters. Yes Default format value for the text column.
Text Area Text column that contains text characters and also allows line breaks. Yes
Email The text provides a link to open the user's email application. Yes
URL The text provides a hyperlink to open the page specified. https:// prepended is prepended to any text that doesn't begin with a valid protocol Yes
Ticker Symbol For most languages, the text is enabled as a link to open the MSN Money website to show details about the stock price represented by the ticker symbol. Yes
Phone Columns are click-enabled to initiate calls. Yes
JSON Stores text using JSON formatting Yes (API only) Only in non-SQL stores like Audit.
Rich Text Allows rich text formatting, including HTML markup. Yes (API only)
Version Number Stores the version number for rows. No System use only.
Multiline Text (Memo) Text Basic text column that contains text characters. Yes
Text Area Text column contains text characters and allows line breaks. Yes
Email For internal use only. No
JSON Stores text using JSON formatting Yes (API Only) Only in non-SQL stores like Log.
RichText Allows for rich text formatting, including HTML markup. Y (API Only)
InternalExtentData For internal use only. No System use only
None/string.Empty This option simply displays a number. Yes Default format value for whole number column.
Whole Number Duration This format option displays a list of duration options. The data stored in the database is always a number of minutes. The field looks like a drop-down list and provides suggested options like 1 minute, 15 minutes, 30 minutes all the way up to 3 days. People can choose these options or type in a number of minutes and it resolves to that period of time. For example, type in 60 and it resolves to 1 hour. Or they can enter "1 hour" or "2 days" and it resolves to display that time.
The duration must be entered in the following format: "x minutes", "x hours" or "x days". Hours and days can also be entered using decimals, for example, "x.x hours" or "x.x days".
NOTE: Values must be expressible in minutes, subminute values are rounded to the nearest minute.
Yes System reads this value in seconds.
Timezone This option displays a select list of time zones using Time Zone Codes. Each of these zones is stored as a number. For example, for the time zone (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada), the TimeZoneCode is 4. Model driven apps display these codes into time zone names, Canvas apps display as the number stored. Yes
Language This option displays a list of the languages provisioned for your organization. The values are stored as a number using LCID codes. Language codes are four-digit or five-digit locale IDs. Valid locale ID values can be found at Locale ID (LCID) Chart). Model driven apps display the languages as the language name, Canvas apps display as the number stored. Yes
Locale Value that corresponds to a specific locale using ISO standard values. Yes (API Only) Not shown in Power Apps Maker UI.
Date and Time Date Only Date only. Includes a time of 00:00:00 if the User Local or Time-Zone Independent is selected. Yes
Date and Time Date and time format. Yes Default format value for DateTime column.

Format conversion

You can change the data type format to any of the compatible formats that data type supports. Changing the format retains your previous table definitions (maxsize) if they exist in the new target format. If an inbound payload doesn't include a format, Dataverse assumes the format shouldn't be changed. You can convert the format by an API call with the desired payload in the FormatName column. Changing the value in the Format column is recommended as any newly added Format selections are ignored.


At this time, format conversions are only done by performing API operations. Changing Formats doesn't change any data present in the column. Due to this, you may notice some unexpected formatting issues that need to be resolved after the conversion.

As mentioned in the previous table, there are some restrictions for format conversions:

  • JSON can only be used if a table is part of non-SQL storage (that is, Log).
  • You can't convert columns with the formats of type emailbody, internalextentdata to other formats. Any attempt to convert these columns are ignored, and no error message is provided.
  • You can't convert a column to the formats of emailbody, internalextentdata to other formats. If attempted, an error occurs.
  • Date only can't be converted to DateTime, but Date with the behavior of User Local or Time-Zone Independent can be changed to DateTime.

If you change the data type to an incompatible format, the following error is displayed:

The format <<formatname>> isn't valid for the <<datatype>> type column <<columnname>> of table <<tablename>>. For example, the format datetime isn't valid for the text type column.

To change the format of a data type, you need to add the new format details into an OData API PUT call:

PUT [Organization URI]/api/data/v9.0/EntityDefinitions(<<entity name>>)/Attributes(<<attribute name>>)
To set or change the format of a data type, you need to add the new format details into an OData API **POST** for a new column or **PUT** call to update an existing column:

> [!NOTE]
> For more samples on how to use the API, see

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
OData-MaxVersion: 4.0
OData-Version: 4.0
 "AttributeType": \<\<Data type you are setting the format for\>\>,
 "AttributeTypeName": {
"Value": *\<\<Datatype Type\>\>*
"Description": {
"@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label",
"LocalizedLabels": [
"@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel",
"Label": *\<\<text label to use for the format\>\>*
"LanguageCode": 1033
"DisplayName": {
"@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label",
"LocalizedLabels": [
"@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel",
"Label": *\<\<text label to use for the format\>\>*
"LanguageCode": 1033
"RequiredLevel": {
"Value": "None",
"CanBeChanged": true,
"ManagedPropertyLogicalName": "canmodifyrequirementlevelsettings"
"SchemaName": *\<\<Your chosen schema name\>\>*
"@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.StringAttributeMetadata",
"FormatName": {
"Value": *\<\<Formatname value\>\>*
"MaxLength": 100

Format and FormatName columns
Format validations