Sample: Send bulk email and monitor results

This sample shows how to send bulk email using the SendBulkMailRequest and monitor the results by retrieving records from the AsyncOperation table.

How to run this sample

  1. Download or clone the Samples repo so that you have a local copy.
  2. (Optional) Edit the dataverse/App.config file to define a connection string specifying the Microsoft Dataverse instance you want to connect to.
  3. Open the sample solution in Visual Studio and press F5 to run the sample. After you specify a connection string in dataverse/App.config, any sample you run will use that connection information.

If you do not specify a connection string in dataverse/App.config file, a dialog will open each time you run the sample and you will need to enter information about which Dataverse instance you want to connect to and which credentials you want to use. This dialog will cache previous connections so that you can choose a previously used connection.

Those samples in this repo that require a connection to a Dataverse instance to run will include a linked reference to the dataverse/App.config file.

What this sample does

The SendBulkMailRequest message is intended to be used in a scenario to send bulk emails.

How this sample works

In order to simulate the scenario described in What this sample does, the sample will do the following:


  1. Checks for the current version of the org
  2. The Contact method creates 2 contact records for this sample.


  1. Gets the system user to use as the sender.
  2. Set tacking id for the bulk email request.
  3. Creates a query expression for the bulk operation to retrieve the contacts in the email list.
  4. Set the regarding id and execute the bulk email request.
  5. Retrieve the bulk email async operation and monitor it via polling.

Clean up

Display an option to delete the records created in Setup. The deletion is optional in case you want to examine the tables and data created by the sample. You can manually delete the records to achieve the same result.