Announcement (BusinessUnitNewsArticle) table/entity reference

Announcement associated with an organization.


The following table lists the messages for the Announcement (BusinessUnitNewsArticle) table. Messages represent operations that can be performed on the table. They may also be events.

Is Event?
Web API Operation SDK for .NET
Event: True
POST /businessunitnewsarticles
See Create
Create records
Event: True
DELETE /businessunitnewsarticles(businessunitnewsarticleid)
See Delete
Delete records
Event: True
GET /businessunitnewsarticles(businessunitnewsarticleid)
See Retrieve
Retrieve records
Event: True
GET /businessunitnewsarticles
See Query data
Query data
Event: True
PATCH /businessunitnewsarticles(businessunitnewsarticleid)
See Update
Update records
Event: False
PATCH /businessunitnewsarticles(businessunitnewsarticleid)
See Upsert a table row


The following table lists selected properties for the Announcement (BusinessUnitNewsArticle) table.

Property Value
DisplayName Announcement
DisplayCollectionName Announcements
SchemaName BusinessUnitNewsArticle
CollectionSchemaName BusinessUnitNewsArticles
EntitySetName businessunitnewsarticles
LogicalName businessunitnewsarticle
LogicalCollectionName businessunitnewsarticles
PrimaryIdAttribute businessunitnewsarticleid
PrimaryNameAttribute articletitle
TableType Standard
OwnershipType OrganizationOwned

Writable columns/attributes

These columns/attributes return true for either IsValidForCreate or IsValidForUpdate (usually both). Listed by SchemaName.


Property Value
Description Date and time for the announcement to become active.
DisplayName Active On
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName activeon
RequiredLevel None
Type DateTime
CanChangeDateTimeBehavior False
DateTimeBehavior UserLocal
Format DateOnly
ImeMode Inactive
SourceTypeMask 0


Property Value
Description Date and time of the last day the announcement is active.
DisplayName Expiration Date
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName activeuntil
RequiredLevel None
Type DateTime
CanChangeDateTimeBehavior False
DateTimeBehavior UserLocal
Format DateOnly
ImeMode Inactive
SourceTypeMask 0


Property Value
Description Title of the announcement.
DisplayName Title
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName articletitle
RequiredLevel ApplicationRequired
Type String
Format Text
FormatName Text
ImeMode Auto
IsLocalizable False
MaxLength 300


Property Value
Description Type of announcement.
DisplayName Visible To
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName articletypecode
RequiredLevel None
Type Picklist
DefaultFormValue 1
GlobalChoiceName businessunitnewsarticle_articletypecode

ArticleTypeCode Choices/Options

Value Label
1 All Users
2 Sales Users
3 Service Users


Property Value
Description URL for the Website on which the announcement is located.
DisplayName More Information URL
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName articleurl
RequiredLevel None
Type String
Format Url
FormatName Url
ImeMode Inactive
IsLocalizable False
MaxLength 200


Property Value
Description Unique identifier of the announcement.
DisplayName Announcement
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName businessunitnewsarticleid
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type Uniqueidentifier


Property Value
Description Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.
DisplayName Import Sequence Number
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName importsequencenumber
RequiredLevel None
Type Integer
MaxValue 2147483647
MinValue -2147483648


Property Value
Description Text for the announcement.
DisplayName Description
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName newsarticle
RequiredLevel ApplicationRequired
Type Memo
Format TextArea
FormatName TextArea
ImeMode Auto
IsLocalizable False
MaxLength 1073741823


Property Value
Description Date and time that the record was migrated.
DisplayName Record Created On
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName overriddencreatedon
RequiredLevel None
Type DateTime
CanChangeDateTimeBehavior False
DateTimeBehavior UserLocal
Format DateOnly
ImeMode Inactive
SourceTypeMask 0


Property Value
Description Information about whether to show the announcement on the Website home page.
DisplayName Show in Workplace
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName showonhomepage
RequiredLevel None
Type Boolean
GlobalChoiceName businessunitnewsarticle_showonhomepage
DefaultValue False
True Label Yes
False Label No


Property Value
Description For internal use only.
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName timezoneruleversionnumber
RequiredLevel None
Type Integer
MaxValue 2147483647
MinValue -1


Property Value
Description Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName utcconversiontimezonecode
RequiredLevel None
Type Integer
MaxValue 2147483647
MinValue -1

Read-only columns/attributes

These columns/attributes return false for both IsValidForCreate and IsValidForUpdate. Listed by SchemaName.


Property Value
Description Unique identifier of the user who created the announcement.
DisplayName Created By
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName createdby
RequiredLevel None
Type Lookup
Targets systemuser


Property Value
Description Date and time when the announcement was created.
DisplayName Created On
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName createdon
RequiredLevel None
Type DateTime
CanChangeDateTimeBehavior False
DateTimeBehavior UserLocal
Format DateAndTime
ImeMode Inactive
SourceTypeMask 0


Property Value
Description Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the businessunitnewsarticle.
DisplayName Created By (Delegate)
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName createdonbehalfby
RequiredLevel None
Type Lookup
Targets systemuser


Property Value
Description Unique identifier of the user who last modified the announcement.
DisplayName Modified By
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName modifiedby
RequiredLevel None
Type Lookup
Targets systemuser


Property Value
Description Date and time when the announcement was last modified.
DisplayName Modified On
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName modifiedon
RequiredLevel None
Type DateTime
CanChangeDateTimeBehavior False
DateTimeBehavior UserLocal
Format DateAndTime
ImeMode Inactive
SourceTypeMask 0


Property Value
Description Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the businessunitnewsarticle.
DisplayName Modified By (Delegate)
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName modifiedonbehalfby
RequiredLevel None
Type Lookup
Targets systemuser


Property Value
Description Unique identifier of the organization associated with the announcement.
DisplayName Organization
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName organizationid
RequiredLevel SystemRequired
Type Lookup
Targets organization


Property Value
IsValidForForm False
IsValidForRead True
LogicalName versionnumber
RequiredLevel None
Type BigInt
MaxValue 9223372036854775807
MinValue -9223372036854775808

Many-to-One relationships

These relationships are many-to-one. Listed by SchemaName.


One-To-Many Relationship: systemuser lk_businessunitnewsarticle_createdonbehalfby

Property Value
ReferencedEntity systemuser
ReferencedAttribute systemuserid
ReferencingAttribute createdonbehalfby
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName createdonbehalfby
CascadeConfiguration Archive: NoCascade
Assign: NoCascade
Delete: NoCascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: NoCascade
RollupView: NoCascade
Share: NoCascade
Unshare: NoCascade


One-To-Many Relationship: systemuser lk_businessunitnewsarticle_modifiedonbehalfby

Property Value
ReferencedEntity systemuser
ReferencedAttribute systemuserid
ReferencingAttribute modifiedonbehalfby
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName modifiedonbehalfby
CascadeConfiguration Archive: NoCascade
Assign: NoCascade
Delete: NoCascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: NoCascade
RollupView: NoCascade
Share: NoCascade
Unshare: NoCascade


One-To-Many Relationship: systemuser lk_businessunitnewsarticlebase_createdby

Property Value
ReferencedEntity systemuser
ReferencedAttribute systemuserid
ReferencingAttribute createdby
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName createdby
CascadeConfiguration Archive: NoCascade
Assign: NoCascade
Delete: NoCascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: NoCascade
RollupView: NoCascade
Share: NoCascade
Unshare: NoCascade


One-To-Many Relationship: systemuser lk_businessunitnewsarticlebase_modifiedby

Property Value
ReferencedEntity systemuser
ReferencedAttribute systemuserid
ReferencingAttribute modifiedby
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName modifiedby
CascadeConfiguration Archive: NoCascade
Assign: NoCascade
Delete: NoCascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: NoCascade
RollupView: NoCascade
Share: NoCascade
Unshare: NoCascade


One-To-Many Relationship: organization organization_business_unit_news_articles

Property Value
ReferencedEntity organization
ReferencedAttribute organizationid
ReferencingAttribute organizationid
ReferencingEntityNavigationPropertyName organizationid
CascadeConfiguration Archive: NoCascade
Assign: NoCascade
Delete: NoCascade
Merge: NoCascade
Reparent: NoCascade
RollupView: NoCascade
Share: NoCascade
Unshare: NoCascade

One-to-Many relationships

These relationships are one-to-many. Listed by SchemaName.


Many-To-One Relationship: asyncoperation BusinessUnitNewsArticle_AsyncOperations

Property Value
ReferencingEntity asyncoperation
ReferencingAttribute regardingobjectid
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName BusinessUnitNewsArticle_AsyncOperations
IsCustomizable False
AssociatedMenuConfiguration AvailableOffline: True
Behavior: DoNotDisplay
Group: Details
MenuId: null
QueryApi: null
ViewId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000


Many-To-One Relationship: bulkdeletefailure BusinessUnitNewsArticle_BulkDeleteFailures

Property Value
ReferencingEntity bulkdeletefailure
ReferencingAttribute regardingobjectid
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName BusinessUnitNewsArticle_BulkDeleteFailures
IsCustomizable False
AssociatedMenuConfiguration AvailableOffline: True
Behavior: DoNotDisplay
Group: Details
MenuId: null
QueryApi: null
ViewId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000


Many-To-One Relationship: processsession BusinessUnitNewsArticle_ProcessSessions

Property Value
ReferencingEntity processsession
ReferencingAttribute regardingobjectid
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName BusinessUnitNewsArticle_ProcessSessions
IsCustomizable False
AssociatedMenuConfiguration AvailableOffline: True
Behavior: UseCollectionName
Group: Details
MenuId: null
Order: 110
QueryApi: null
ViewId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

See also

Dataverse table/entity reference
Dataverse Web API Reference