And, Or, and Not functions
Applies to:
Canvas apps
Dataverse formula columns
Desktop flows
Model-driven apps
Power Pages
Power Platform CLI
Boolean logic functions, commonly used to manipulate the results of comparisons and tests.
The And function returns true if all of its arguments are true.
The Or function returns true if any of its arguments are true.
The Not function returns true if its argument is false; it returns false if its argument is true.
These functions work the same way as they do in Excel. You can also use operators to perform these same operations, using either Visual Basic or JavaScript syntax:
Function notation | Visual Basic operator notation | JavaScript operator notation |
And( x, y ) | x And y | x && y |
Or( x, y ) | x Or y | x || y |
Not( x ) | Not x | ! x |
These functions work with logical values. You can't pass them a number or a string directly; instead, you must make a comparison or a test. For example, this logical formula x > 1 evaluates to the Boolean value true if x is greater than 1. If x is less than 1, the formula evaluates to false.
And( LogicalFormula1, LogicalFormula2 [, LogicalFormula3, ... ] )
Or( LogicalFormula1, LogicalFormula2 [, LogicalFormula3, ... ] )
Not( LogicalFormula )
- LogicalFormula(s) - Required. Logical formulas to evaluate and operate on.
The examples in this section use these global variables:
- a = false
- b = true
- x = 10
- y = 100
- s = "Hello World"
To create these global variables in an app, insert a Button control, and set its OnSelect property to this formula:
Set( a, false ); Set( b, true ); Set( x, 10 ); Set( y, 100 ); Set( s, "Hello World" )
Select the button (by clicking it while you hold down the Alt key), and then set the Text property of a Label control to a formula in the first column of the next table.
Formula | Description | Result |
And( a, b ) | Tests the values of a and b. One of the arguments is false, so the function returns false. | false |
a And b | Same as the previous example, using Visual Basic notation. | false |
a && b | Same as the previous example, using JavaScript notation. | false |
Or( a, b ) | Tests the values of a and b. One of the arguments is true, so the function returns true. | true |
a Or b | Same as the previous example, using Visual Basic notation. | true |
a || b | Same as the previous example, using JavaScript notation. | true |
Not( a ) | Tests the value of a. The argument is false, so the function returns the opposite result. | true |
Not a | Same as the previous example, using Visual Basic notation. | true |
! a | Same as the previous example, using JavaScript notation. | true |
Len( s ) < 20 And Not IsBlank( s ) | Tests whether the length of s is less than 20 and whether it isn't a blank value. The length is less than 20, and the value isn't blank. Therefore, the result is true. | true |
Or( Len( s ) < 10, x < 100, y < 100 ) | Tests whether the length of s is less than 10, whether x is less than 100, and whether y is less than 100. The first and third arguments are false, but the second one is true. Therefore, the function returns true. | true |
Not IsBlank( s ) | Tests whether s is blank, which returns false. Not returns the opposite of this result, which is true. | true |