List Calendar view

On the Calendar View tab, you can enable the list to render as a calendar view, with each individual record configured to act as a single event.

The following field mappings can be configured to display list records as dated events on the calendar. The records need to include at minimum a date field.


See date and time field behaviors for information on formatting date and time fields on webpages.

Entity Field Mappings Details
Start Date Field Name A datetime column representing the start date of a calendar event.
End Date Field Name A datetime column representing the end date of a calendar event.
Summary Field Name A text column that will show the summary of a calendar event.
Description Field Name A text column that will display a description of the calendar event.
Organizer Field Name A text or lookup column that will display the organizer of the calendar event.
Location Field Name A text column describing the location of the calendar event.
Is All Day Field Name A yes/no column indicating if the calendar event is all day.
Setting Details
Initial View Initial view of the calendar; year, month, week, or day. Default value is month.
Initial Date The initial start date when the calendar is rendered. Default (blank) will be the current date.
Time Zone Display Mode The time zone the calendar will be displayed in. No option selected will display the events based on how the date column was configured in Dataverse. The User Local Time Zone will display events in the calendar using the time zone of the user viewing the portal. Specific Time Zone will display the calendar events with a specified time zone.
Display Time Zone If the Time Zone Display Mode is set to Specific Time Zone this value will determine the time zone the calendar events are displayed.
Style The setting displays the calendar in either a Full Calendar format or as an Event List

Once the specific fields are configured, a list calendar view will appear on the portal page.

List displayed as a calendar on a web page.

See also