Run SQL queries to Microsoft Access

Apart from database servers, Power Automate supports the automation of Microsoft Access databases.

To establish a connection with a Microsoft Access database, use the Open SQL connection action, and open the connection string builder.

Screenshot of the Open SQL connection action.

In the Provider tab of the appeared dialog, select Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider.


If the presented provider is missing from the available options, you have to download and install Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable.

Screenshot of the available providers in the connection string builder.

Next, populate the path of the Microsoft Access database in the Data Source field of the Connection tab.

Screenshot of the data source field in the connection string builder.

The generated connection string must be similar to the following one:

Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=DatabasePath;Persist Security Info=False


All the connection strings that establish connections with Microsoft Access databases consist of three main parts: the provider, the data source, and the security credentials (if applicable).

Screenshot of a generated connection string.

To run queries on the connected database, use the Execute SQL statement action. Power Automate supports all the essential queries, such as SELECT, INSERT INTO, and UPDATE.

Screenshot of the Execute SQL statement action.

When all the queries have been executed, deploy the Close SQL connection to close the connection with the database.