Summary of the benefits of VBScript vs. actions for SAP GUI automation

As with many other technologies and techniques, there are pros and cons for each approach. Depending on the type of developer you are, you might find that a certain approach better fits your intended use case and skill set.

There will be occasions when combining both techniques will be beneficial, like adding a VBScript action with some Excel VBA code to support advanced formatting as part of your action-based automation.

Here's a summary of the two approaches.

Feature VBScript Actions
Citizen developer play Yes
IT pro and pro developer play Yes Yes
Faster development Yes
Faster execution Yes
Lower maintenance Yes
Multilevel exception-handling support Yes
Resilient to UI changes and versioning Yes Yes
Reusability support Yes
Requires individual UI element capturing Yes
Requires SAP scripting configurations Yes Yes
Supports silent and resilient sign-in with sapshcut.exe Yes
Takes advantage of the SAP internal recording engine Yes