Troubleshoot REST APIs

API call returns 401

A Fiddler capture might be required to investigate further. The required permission scope might be missing for the registered application within Microsoft Entra ID. Verify the required scope is present within the app registration for Microsoft Entra ID within the Azure portal.

API call returns 403

A 403 error can occur for any of the following reasons. A Fiddler capture might be required to investigate further.

  • The user has exceeded the amount of embed token that can be generated on a shared capacity. Purchase Azure capacities to generate embed tokens and assign the workspace to that capacity. See Create Power BI Embedded capacity in the Azure portal.
  • The Microsoft Entra authorization token expired.
  • The authenticated user isn't a member of the group (workspace).
  • The authenticated user isn't an admin of the group (workspace).
  • The authenticated user doesn't have permissions. Permissions can be updated using the refreshUserPermissions API.
  • The authorization header might not be listed correctly. Make sure there are no typos.

The backend of the application might need to refresh the authorization token before calling GenerateToken. For more information, see Refresh the access token.

Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOi...

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden

{"error":{"code":"TokenExpired","message":"Access token has expired, resubmit with a new access token"}}

Fix timeout exceptions when using import and export APIs

When you send a Power BI REST API request, it might arrive at a cluster that doesn't contain your tenant's data. In that case, redirecting the request might fail due to a timeout.

To fix the timeout exception, resend the request with the preferClientRouting URL query parameter set to true. If your request arrives at the wrong cluster, the Power BI service returns a 307 Temporary Redirect HTTP response. In such cases, you need to redirect your request to the new address specified in the response HTTPS Location header.

The update parameters or update data sources API fails after a few minutes

The following generic error is sometimes returned in the response header:

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error

An error has occurred

When using the Datasets - Update Parameters In Group or the Datasets - Update Datasources In Group APIs, this error might indicate that you're updating a large dataset that isn't using the large dataset format. Use the large dataset format to avoid the error.

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