Built-in collections - DataSources and DataSets references in a paginated report (Power BI Report Builder)

APPLIES TO: Power BI Report Builder Power BI Desktop

The DataSources collection represents all the data sources used in a paginated report. Similarly, the DataSets collection represents all the datasets for all the data sources in a report. Use the Report Data pane for a hierarchical view of report datasets organized under the data source they reference.


The DataSources collection represents the data sources referenced in a published report definition. You may choose to include this information in your report to document the source of the report data. The following table describes the variables within the DataSources collection.

Variable Type Description
Type String The type of data provider for the data source. For example, SQLAZURE.

The following expression returns the data source type for data source named "DataSource1" in the report:



The DataSets collection represents the datasets referenced in a report definition. You may choose to include the query in the report in a text box, so a user interested in exactly which data is in the report can see the original command text. The following table describes the members of the DataSets collection.

Member Type Description
CommandText String For database data sources, this is the query used to retrieve data from the data source. If the query is an expression, this is the evaluated expression.
RewrittenCommandText String The data provider's expanded CommandText value. This is typically used for reports with query parameters that are mapped to report parameters. The data provider sets this property when expanding the command text parameter references into the constant values selected for the mapped report parameters.

The following expression returns the query used in dataset named "DataSet1" in the report:


Using Query Expressions

You can use expressions to define the query that is contained in a dataset. You can use this feature to design reports in which the query changes based on input from the user, data in other datasets, or other variables. For more information about queries, see Report Embedded Datasets (Power BI Report Builder).

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