Consent to access customer data

Microsoft never accesses your customer data without your consent. Microsoft respects your privacy and puts you in control of the level of consent you grant as part of receiving support. If you've requested support and Microsoft believes that access to customer data may help us investigate, troubleshoot, and resolve your support issue, we will contact you. You also have the option on your support request to give your consent at the time you request support. Doing this will help eliminate delays in the issue resolution time and/or help expedite the issue resolution. Your consent is temporary, and you can revoke it at any time. This consent does not grant lockbox request approval and/or revoke it.

You may grant a varying degree of consent or deny consent altogether when you submit a support request.

Screenshot of a support request with Allow access for advanced investigation and creation of support environment highlighted.

Here's a closer look at the consent options you may have on the support request form:

  • Allow access to diagnostic information: You temporarily grant Microsoft Support access to customer data associated with your tenant. Access is read-only. You can revoke it at any time, and it's automatically removed when the case is closed. This option is recommended, but it isn't set by default. You need to explicitly select it.

  • Do not allow access to diagnostic information: You deny consent at the time you make your request. We don't recommend this option because it may delay resolving your issue. If you grant consent at the outset, Microsoft Support can start investigating and troubleshooting right away.

You can revoke consent at any time before the request is resolved.

The support environment expires seven days after you revoke consent or when the support request is closed. You can delete a support environment at any time.

Consent lasts as long as the support request is open or until you revoke it.

A change in consent takes effect immediately.

  1. Sign in to the Power Platform admin center.

  2. In the navigation pane, select Help + Support.

  3. Select the support request.

  4. Select Edit.

  5. Select a consent option, and then select Save.

Screenshot of a support request with consent information highlighted.