Power BI DataViz World Championships
Feb 14, 4 PM - Mar 31, 4 PM
With 4 chances to enter, you could win a conference package and make it to the LIVE Grand Finale in Las Vegas
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Render a website header and primary navigation bar, using portals settings, snippets, weblinks, and sitemarkers. More information: Web templates.
The example in this topic will only function correctly if cross-request header caching is disabled for your application. It is enabled by default in version 7.0.0019 and later. It can be disabled by creating a Site Setting named Header/OutputCache/Enabled, and setting its value to false.
<div class=masthead hidden-xs>
<div class=container>
<div class=toolbar>
<div class=toolbar-row>
{% assign search_enabled = settings['search/enabled'] | boolean | default:true %}
{% assign search_page = sitemarkers['Search'] %}
{% if search_enabled and search_page %}
<div class=toolbar-item toolbar-search>
<form method=GET action={{ search_page.url }} role=search>
<label for=q class=sr-only>
{{ snippets[Header/Search/Label] | default:Search }}
<div class=input-group>
<input type=text class=form-control id=q name=q
placeholder={{ snippets[Header/Search/Label] | default:Search }}
value={{ params.q }}
title={{ snippets[Header/Search/Label] | default:Search }}>
<div class=input-group-btn>
<button type=submit class=btn btn-default
title={{ snippets[Header/Search/ToolTip] | default:Search }}>
<span class=fa fa-search aria-hidden=true></span>
{% endif %}
<div class=toolbar-item>
<div class=btn-toolbar role=toolbar>
{% if user %}
<div class=btn-group>
<a href=# class=btn btn-default dropdown-toggle data-toggle=dropdown>
<span class=fa fa-user aria-hidden=true></span>
<span class=username>{{ user.fullname }}</span>
<span class=caret></span>
<ul class=dropdown-menu pull-right role=menu>
{% assign show_profile_nav = settings[Header/ShowAllProfileNavigationLinks] | boolean | default:true %}
{% if show_profile_nav %}
{% assign profile_nav = weblinks[Profile Navigation] %}
{% if profile_nav %}
{% for link in profile_nav.weblinks %}
<a href={{ link.url }}>{{ }}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<li><a href={{ sitemarkers['Profile'].url }}>{{ snippets[Profile Link Text] | default:Profile }}</a></li>
{% endif %}
<li class=divider></li>
<a href=/account-signout?returnUrl={{ request.raw_url }}>
{{ snippets[links/logout] | default:Sign Out }}
{% else %}
<div class=btn-group>
<a class=btn btn-primary
href={{ sitemarkers['Login'].url | add_query:'returnurl', request.path_and_query }}>
<span class=fa fa-sign-in aria-hidden=true></span>
{{ snippets[links/login] | default:Sign In }}
{% endif %}
{% editable snippets 'Header' type: 'html' %}
<div class=header-navbar navbar navbar-default navbar-static-top role=navigation>
<div class=container>
<div class=navbar-header>
<button type=button class=navbar-toggle data-toggle=collapse data-target=#header-navbar-collapse>
<span class=sr-only>Toggle navigation</span>
<span class=icon-bar></span>
<span class=icon-bar></span>
<span class=icon-bar></span>
<div class=navbar-left visible-xs>
{% editable snippets 'Mobile Header' type: 'html' %}
<div id=header-navbar-collapse class=navbar-collapse collapse>
<div class=navbar-left hidden-xs>
{% editable snippets 'Navbar Left' type: 'html' %}
{% assign primary_nav = weblinks[Primary Navigation] %}
{% if primary_nav %}
<div class=navbar-left {% if primary_nav.editable %}xrm-entity xrm-editable-adx_weblinkset{% endif %} data-weblinks-maxdepth=2>
<ul class=nav navbar-nav weblinks>
{% for link in primary_nav.weblinks %}
{% if link.display_page_child_links %}
{% assign sublinks = sitemap[link.url].children %}
{% else %}
{% assign sublinks = link.weblinks %}
{% endif %}
<li class=weblink {% if sublinks.size > 0 %} dropdown{% endif %}>
{% if sublinks.size > 0 %}
href=# class=dropdown-toggle data-toggle=dropdown
{% else %}
href={{ link.url }}
{% endif %}
{% if link.nofollow %}rel=nofollow{% endif %}
{% if link.tooltip %}title={{ link.tooltip }}{% endif %}>
{% if link.image %}
{% if link.image.url startswith '.' %}
<span class={{ link.image.url | split:'.' | join }} aria-hidden=true></span>
{% else %}
<img src={{ link.image.url }}
alt={{ link.image.alternate_text | default:link.tooltip }}
{% if link.image.width %}width={{ link.image.width }}{% endif %}
{% if link.image.height %}height={{ link.image.height }}{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% unless link.display_image_only %}
{{ }}
{% endunless %}
{% if sublinks.size > 0 %}
<span class=caret></span>
{% endif %}
{% if sublinks.size > 0 %}
<ul class=dropdown-menu role=menu>
{% if link.url %}
<a href={{ link.url }}
{% if link.nofollow %}rel=nofollow{% endif %}
{% if link.tooltip %}title={{ link.tooltip }}{% endif %}>{{ }}</a>
<li class=divider></li>
{% endif %}
{% for sublink in sublinks %}
<a href={{ sublink.url }}
{% if sublink.nofollow %}rel=nofollow{% endif %}
{% if sublink.tooltip %}title={{ link.tooltip }}{% endif %}>
{{ | default:sublink.title }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% editable primary_nav %}
{% endif %}
<div class=navbar-right hidden-xs>
{% editable snippets 'Navbar Right' type: 'html' %}
Power BI DataViz World Championships
Feb 14, 4 PM - Mar 31, 4 PM
With 4 chances to enter, you could win a conference package and make it to the LIVE Grand Finale in Las Vegas
Learn moreTraining
Build custom Power Pages web templates - Training
Find out how to embed custom CSS and JavaScript into your Power Pages templates.