Add breadcrumbs
Breadcrumb component is a list of links from the parent page to the current page. You can use breadcrumbs find your place within a website.
Breadcrumb component is only available for sites with enhanced data model.
Add a Breadcrumb component
Open the design studio to edit the content and components of your page.
Select the page you want to edit.
Select the section you want to add the breadcrumb to.
Hover over any editable canvas area, then select the Breadcrumb component from the component panel.
Edit a Breadcrumb
After a breadcrumb control is added, select the breadcrumb control to open the properties bar. From here, you can configure your breadcrumb's properties.
Breadcrumb Design property
Change the following breadcrumb elements:
- Separator show between pages links
- Show home as:
- hidden
- text only
- icon only
- icon and text
- font style
Any changes to the breadcrumb design will apply to all breadcrumb instances across the site.
Choose an option to duplicate the section, move it up or down within the page, or delete the section entirely.
Customizing the Breadcrumb component
Breadcrumb component is the Pages Breadcrumb web template that appears in Portals Management app. If the web template is edited, all breadcrumb instances across design studio appear as custom components.
If the Pages Breadcrumb web template was mistakenly edited, the original web template code can be recovered by renaming the Pages Breadcrumb web template in Portals Management App. Go to design studio, open the component panel, and add breadcrumb component to a webpage. This action creates a new copy of Pages Breadcrumb web template.