Slot-filling capabilities


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Admins, makers, or analysts, automatically - This feature is released. Dec 2, 2019

Feature details

Every time a user says something to interact with a bot, the response might contain useful information that helps guide the conversation. The system continuously parses the user’s responses for information that it uses to guide the conversation.

This means the bot can recognize information that the user has already provided or that is missing, ask clarifying questions if needed, and continue with the dialog. This capability is called slot filling.

For example, to ask about the weather, the user might naturally include the topic (weather forecast), the location (Redmond), and the time (Thursday). For example:

User: What's the weather in Redmond on Thursday?

Bot: The weather forecast for Thursday in Redmond Washington is sunny with a chance of rain...

Sometimes, however, a user's response is more ambiguous and less scripted, and the user might not give all the information needed to perform a task. With slot filling, the bot can have a short conversation with the user to find out the missing information required to complete the task.

For example, to ask about the weather, here's what the conversation with slot filling might look like:

User: What's the weather like Thursday?

Bot: I can look up the weather for you. Where should I check?

User: Redmond Washington

Bot: The weather forecast for Thursday in Redmond Washington is sunny with a chance of rain...

See also

Use entities and slot filling in Power Virtual Agents bots (docs)