Hybrid tables


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Dec 15, 2021 -

Business value

Hybrid tables combine the performance of VertiPaq in-memory caches with the capabilities of DirectQuery, allowing users to unlock massive datasets for real-time, interactive analysis.

Feature details

Hybrid tables will contain in-memory VertiPaq caches of historical data for blazing-fast performance. In the same table, real-time data will be queried in DirectQuery mode and dynamically combined with cached data. The DirectQuery range can be limited to only the necessary real-time data, which improves the performance of queries on big-data sources. When combined with the automatic page refresh feature in Power BI, hybrid tables will unlock massive datasets with billions of rows for interactive analysis, while providing a great solution for real-time requirements.

See also

Learn about hybrid tables in Power BI premium (video)

Hybrid tables (docs)