Modify a configuration data schema
You can modify an existing schema file to include information about new configuration data or to update the existing configuration data definition to enhance the configuration data export process.
Before you begin
Download the Configuration Migration Tool. The Configuration Migration tool is available as a NuGet package. To download the tool, see Download tools from NuGet. Follow the steps on this page to extract the DataMigrationUtility.exe tool.
- You must have a schema file that was created using the Configuration Migration tool. More information: Create a schema to export configuration data
Modify a schema file
Start the Configuration Migration tool. Double-select DataMigrationUtility.exe in the folder: [your folder]\Tools\ConfigurationMigration\
On the main screen, select Create schema, and select Continue.
On the Login screen, provide authentication details to connect to your environment for which you originally created the export data schema file. If you have multiple organizations on the server, and want to select an organization, select the Always display list of available orgs check box. Select Login.
If you have multiple organizations, and you selected the Always display list of available orgs check box, the next screen lets you choose the organization that you want to connect to. Select an organization to connect to.
On the main screen, select File > Load Schema.
Navigate to the schema file that you want to edit, select it, and select Open.
The schema file definition appears in the Configuration Migration tool. Make the required changes to the schema definition file. For information about defining a schema file, see steps 5-14 in Create a schema to export configuration data.
Save the updated schema file.
Select Exit to close the tool.
See also
Import configuration data
Create a schema to export configuration data
Manage your configuration data