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Provide internal training events

Microsoft has created a variety of hands-on lab content, ranging from App in an Hour, App in a Day, to Admin in a Day. The materials are available to download, and App in a Day events specifically are hosted both virtually and in person by Microsoft partners across the world.

Many organizations find success straight away by attending App in a Day events, and once people in your team have attended one of the in-person or virtual events, they can adapt the course materials to align with your organization and run them internally. Remember, everyone in your organization is an expert in something. Teaching them to build Power Apps helps them harness that into solutions that benefit the organization.

Running App in a Day internally

The App in a day training runs people through the core features and capability of the technology included in Microsoft Power Platform, and above all, can be used by everyone in the organization in every single role to get them thinking about how technology can make them more successful. Download the latest version of the App in a Day material to get started.

Here are a few tips for running this training internally:

  • Create a dedicated environment for training purposes, and ensure attendees have the right license and access to the environment prior to the event. Ask attendees to sign up for a premium trial, or assign them a premium license in the Microsoft 365 Admin portal.
  • Get familiar with the course material, and make sure you have a few facilitators with you on the day who can help attendees 1:1 if they're stuck.
  • Prepare a short intro presentation, explaining the purpose of Microsoft Power Platform and the goals for Power Apps usage in your organization. If you have already created successful apps in your organization, it would be great to show them during the intro so attendees get an idea of what Power Apps can be used for.
  • Run a trial event for 10 to 12 people who you're familiar with, who will be able to provide feedback and test the logistics with you. This could be your inner circle of champions. They can also be your trial group for other events and activities you are planning.
  • Set the right expectations with attendees, make sure they know what they are registering for, what the purpose of attending is, and what they should know or do before the event.

Lunch and Learn

Sometimes people don’t want to or can’t set aside a full day to learn something they know very little about. Often it just takes igniting the spark for leaders within the organization to rise up and inspire others—hosting Lunch and Learn sessions is another great way to form and nurture a Microsoft Power Platform community.

It provides an environment for teams to share resources, guidelines, and procedures. Lunch and Learns should be fun and regular. As more people across the organization become interested, the sessions offer them a place to see if this is something they want to get involved with and a path for them to start skilling up on Power Apps.

You could also offer this in a webinar format, in a Teams call, or by uploading the video to stream beforehand and creating a Teams channel for attendees to ask questions. Participants can watch the webinar on their own or together as a team, and making a recording available creates a more geo-inclusive environment.

Lunch and Learn sessions provide bite-sized learning, and could be a great way to reach attendees with a busy schedule. They also foster a culture of innovation and learning.

Check out the App in an Hour content to get an idea of what you can achieve in a short time period.

Q & A sessions

Your existing makers might have questions on how to build apps and flows. Through regular Q&A sessions, makers can get live help with things they are struggling with. By recording these session, others wo struggle with the same things can also benefit, and you can build a library of content available to new makers.