Calendar and Clock functions
Applies to:
Canvas apps
Model-driven apps
Power Pages
Retrieves calendar and clock information about the current locale.
The Calendar and Clock functions are a set of functions that retrieve information about the current locale.
You can use these functions to display dates and times in the language of the current user. The single-column tables returned by Calendar and Clock functions can be used directly with the Items property of Dropdown and Listbox controls.
Function | Description |
Calendar.MonthsLong() | Single-column table containing the full names of each month, starting with "January". |
Calendar.MonthsShort() | Single-column table containing the abbreviated names of each month, starting with "Jan" for January. |
Calendar.WeekdaysLong() | Single-column table containing the full names of each weekday, starting with "Sunday". |
Calendar.WeekdaysShort() | Single-column table containing the full names of each weekday, starting with "Sun" for Sunday. |
Clock.AmPm() | Single-column table containing the long uppercase "AM" and "PM" designations. If the language uses a 24-hour clock, the table will be empty. |
Clock.AmPmShort() | Single-column table containing the short uppercase "A" and "P" designations. If the language uses a 24-hour clock, the table will be empty. |
Clock.IsClock24() | Boolean indicating if a 24-hour clock is used in this locale. |
Use the Text function to format date and time values using this same information. The Language function returns the current language and region code.
Insert a Dropdown control.
Set the formula for the Items property to:
- Calendar.MonthsLong()
Users of your app can now select a month in their own language. MonthsLong can be replaced with any of the single-column tables that are returned by Calendar to create weekday and time selectors.
In the United States, with Language returning "en-US", the following is returned by the Calendar functions:
Formula | Description | Result |
Calendar.MonthsLong() | The return value contains the full name of each month, starting with "January". | [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ] |
Calendar.MonthsShort() | The return value contains the abbreviated name of each month, starting with "January". | [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ] |
Calendar.WeekdaysLong() | The return value contains the full name of each day, starting with "Sunday". | [ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" ] |
Calendar.WeekdaysShort() | The return value contains the abbreviated name of each day, starting with "Sunday". | [ "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" ] |
Clock.AmPm() | This language uses a 12-hour clock. The return value contains the uppercase versions of the full AM and PM designations. | [ "AM", "PM" ] |
Clock.AmPmShort() | This language uses a 12-hour clock. The return value contains the uppercase versions of the short AM and PM designations. | [ "A", "P" ] |
Clock.IsClock24() | This language uses a 12-hour clock. | false |