Accelerate value with clean data


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Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Apr 30, 2023 -

Business value

Makers can leverage more out of the data as an asset from the smarter data layer in Microsoft Dataverse. Examples include enhanced email address validation when using the email column type. This email address validation is an early adoption feature (MVP) to test product market fit for smarter data layer infused with AI models, its technical feasibility, and its technical patterns. We'll continue with smarter data deduplication features and AI-assisted enrichments to customer data.

Feature details

Makers can leverage more out of the data as an asset from the smarter data layer in Dataverse. With zero-click, makers can build smarter and contextually aware next-gen apps for their workflows with better data quality. For example, the data hygiene suite includes semantically smart data validation for email and phone number, smart data deduplication rules, and native content AI experiences fully integrated in Dataverse and Power Platform to complete the data-insights-action loop.

To start with, the existing email column type has a very basic email validation. Now, with data hygiene suite, this email column type comes with smarter validation that includes reasons for the column being invalid. Any model-driven apps and canvas apps using the email column will receive automatic validation, which is helpful in guiding users to enter better email data. Data administrators can also review any emails that are invalid on a regular basis so that they can correct them.

See also

Email address validation for email columns (docs)