Email activity records can be associated with additional activity participants (parties) such as accounts, contacts, leads, and opportunities through a new partylist attribute. Previously, it wasn't possible to associate an activity record with additional related party records. With this feature, users will be able to associate email activity records with additional related parties, such as an email related to multiple cases or opportunities.
Feature details
Users can associate an email activity record with additional related party records (parties). This means a user can perform actions like associating an email to additional related records such as cases or opportunities.
Users sometimes need to associate an email with multiple records. For example, a customer sends an email that is related to multiple cases. The existing Regarding lookup only allows a user to relate an email to a single parent record. Email records can now be associated with multiple records such as accounts, contacts, leads, opportunities, and cases through a new activity party type column named related. When an email is associated with multiple records, it appears in the timeline for each of the associated records.
This feature is currently only supported with email activities.
The related column isn't added to the email form by default. To enable users to use this new column, add the related column to the email form. For information about how to add a column to a form, go to add columns to a form. After you add the related column to the form, users can associate an email record with other related party records (parties) like cases or opportunities.
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