Connect your environment to source control


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Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Jul 2024 - -

Business value

Teams of makers, developers, and admins can collaborate seamlessly using their tools of choice. Native Git integration with Azure DevOps democratizes best-practices from traditional software development so that fusion teams are more productive building and deploying solutions at scale.

Feature details

Fusion teams comprised of makers, developers, and admins can connect Power Platform environments to Azure DevOps without leaving Power Platform. Once connected, makers can seamlessly commit changes from their environments to Azure DevOps repositories.

Similarly, when developers commit changes in source control, they become visible in Power Platform and makers can pull changes into their environments from within the solutions experience.

Git provides version control, parallel development through branches, tools for code and security scans, granular auditing, disaster recovery, test automation, and more. Unlike previous application lifecycle management (ALM) tools, pipelines in Power Platform and the Git integration are native. They're democratized for all makers, are on-by-default, and drive consistency across all projects.