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Versioning is required for certified connectors.

Version format in Power Query

Versioning in Power Query is a simple metadata record above the section document:

[Version = "1.0.0"]
section MyConnector;

Semantics of Version in Power Query

Even though support for versioning isn't yet supported in Power Query, you should try to follow the semantics that will be supported in the future.

The first number is the "major" version, which will indicate breaking changes. This number should be incremented whenever users will be required to potentially rebuild reports due to massive connector rearchitecture or removal of features.

The second number is the "minor" version, which indicates addition of functionality. These will generally not be breaking, but might cause peripheral side effects. This number should be incremented whenever functionality is added to the connector.

The final number is the "patch" version, which indicates minor tweaks and fixes to connectors. This is the version that will change the most often, and should be incremented whenever you release small tweaks of a connector to the public.