Export data to respond to requests for copies of personal data in Copilot Studio

This article discusses the Copilot Studio capabilities to find or export personal data for a specific user.

Export customer data

Copilot content (as tenant admin)

  1. Go to https://make.powerapps.com and sign in with your credentials.

    Sign in to powerapps.com.

  2. In the side pane, select Tables.

    Open Data table.

  3. Search for copilot tables.

    Search copilot tables.

  4. Select Copilot or Copilot subcomponent from the table list, then select Export data. Your data takes a couple of minutes to be compiled for export.

    Select entities for export.

  5. When your export is ready, select Download exported data to download the content.

    Download exported data.

Copilot sessions (as copilot author)

You can download session data for the last 30 days from the sessions analytics page in Copilot Studio.

You can also export data from the ConversationTranscripts table.

Export system-generated logs (as tenant admin)

Microsoft provides the ability to access, delete, and export certain customer data through Azure Portal so that tenant admins can execute Data Subject Requests.

  1. Go to the User Privacy Overview in Azure Portal.

  2. Select Add export request.

    Export system generated logs.